=== BOS: Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation === === Destruction: === **Willie Smits** has set up this foundation that protects Orangutans and fights deforestation.\\ This happens primarily for tropical wood for **palm-seed oil**. The latter is used as a biofuel and as food. Any product with unspecified 'vegetable-oil' in it will with 90% probability have palm-seed oil in it and therefore contributes to the complete anihilation of Orangutans.\\ * Smits now has a (dutch) site: http://www.williesmits.nl/ === Rescue: === A typical BOS rescue attempt: [[http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=bAlqx31c2h8&feature=related|BOS rescue team]] BOS team members are subject to violence and threats to such an extent that Smits has prepared his grave in his back-yard and has prepared his young children for the worst. === New model for the forest: == Form his background in Forestry Smits has developed a economically, socially and biologically profitable alternative to current practice. This alternative is based on the re-introduction of the **Sugar-palm as a food-crop**. The [[Masarang foundation]] set up by Smits aims to lift the traditional food-crop used in local tradition as a source of sugar, to out-compete cane-sugar by an impressive margin. From January 2007 a Sugar palm factory is working that uses geothermal energy for heating and rain water for cooling. The company is now called **Tapergy**, see: [[http://www.tapergy.com/|tapergy]]