==== graphviz ==== (from [[Graph Drawing]] node) * homepage http://www.graphviz.org/ * c2wiki http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GraphViz * c2wiki http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?VisualizeTheWiki * ATT project home http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/ * apache logfile grapher http://www.chaosreigns.com/code/apache2dot/ * preliminary experiments into springy graphs of traceroute data http://locust.f0.am/trace.html * perl interface -> http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/CPAN/data/GraphViz/GraphViz.html ==== related ==== * http://claribole.net/ * IsaViz, a visual environment for browsing and authoring RDF models with support for GSS, a stylesheet language for RDF graphs, * ZGRViewer, a 2.5D graph visualizer implemented in Java and specifically aimed at displaying graphs expressed using the DOT language from graphViz, * ZVTM (Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine) >> http://zvtm.sourceforge.net/zgrviewer.html see also [[FenFire]] ==== usage ==== graph attributes listed + explained http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/info/attrs.html reference:; http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/info/ ==== specific ==== twopi -Tsvg -Gepsilon=0.00001 -Gnodesep=2.0 -Granksep=10.0 -Goverlap=false -Elen=100.0 rla_sort.dot -o rla_log.svg ==== rNd ==== dokuwiki graphviz plugin. ..