==== from the known to the un( ) ==== related(more|less) ) [[Graph Drawing]] , [[InfoViz]], [[GroupWare]] (particularly knowledge mgmt and IBIS), [[Writing Systems]], [[mind mapping]](tm).. . spatial reasoning and [[ZigZag]] or other [[Xanalogical Media]] systems... from yon's notes... http://tockit.sourceforge.net/ Will take me some time to learn, but some key phrases that may be useful.. * concept lattices * conceptual graphs / concept graphs * resources http://www.kvocentral.org/resources/cgs.html * prototype cg editor http://www.cs.uah.edu/~delugach/CharGer * ontologies / rdf * knowledge representation * "Knowledge Representation. Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations" http://www.jfsowa.com/krbook/ * knowledge processing * knowledge base * [[data mining]] * knowledge management * the KnowledgeMangement wiki has many links http://www.voght.com/cgi-bin/pywiki?KmWiki brief comparison of bayesian networks and principal components analysis http://www.pacificavc.com/blog/2003/02/10.html#a78 ---- [[needs update]] see also [[memory code]]