====The Do’s and Don’ts of Graduate Studies: Maxims from the Chair==== "The Do’s and Don’ts of Graduate Studies: Maxims from the Chair, outlining the art and science of photography with prescriptive pragmatism, conceptual insight and a healthy dose of stern humor." ===The Do’s=== * Do something old in a new way * Do something new in an old way * Do something new in a new way, Whatever works… works * Do it sharp, if you can’t, call it art * Do it in the computer — if it can be done there * Do fifty of them — you will definitely get a show * Do it big, if you cant do it big, do it red * If all else fails turn it upside down, if it looks good it might work * Do Bend your knees * If you don’t know what to do, look up or down — but continue looking * Do celebrities — if you do a lot of them, you’ll get a book * Connect with others — network * Edit it yourself * Design it yourself * Publish it yourself * Edit, When in doubt shoot more * Edit again * Read Darwin, Marx, Joyce, Freud, Einstein, Benjamin, McLuhan, and Barth * See Citizen Kane ten times * Look at everything — stare * Construct your images from the edge inward * If it’s the “real world,” do it in color * If it can be done digitally — do it * Be self centered, self involved, and generally entitled and always pushing — and damned to hell for doing it * Break all rules, except the chairman’s ===The Don’ts=== * Don’t do it about yourself — or your friend — or your family * Don’t dare photograph yourself nude * Don’t look at old family albums * Don’t hand color it * Don’t write on it * Don’t use alternative process — if it ain’t straight do it in the computer * Don’t gild the lily — AKA less is more * Don’t go to video when you don’t know what else to do * Don’t photograph indigent, people, particularly in foreign lands * Don’t whine, just produce from "The Education of a Photographer". Charles H. Traub, Steven Heller and Adam B. Bell