"Land’s search for another way to think thus took the form of an experimentation with writing; but it also went beyond writing. The quest for some ‘signal’ that was not merely the repugnant narcissistic reflection of the Human Security System would demand a total disregard of normative method. Land sought channels of communication with the ‘outside’ not in an interminable and internal critique of philosophical texts" http://divus.cc/berlin/ru/article/nick-land-ein-experiment-im-inhumanismus extend:: : : :: physical capacities to meet imagined/percieved limits bootstrsap process into ++ .. .assorted text matter * [[meltdown swarm1]] * "Mechanomics" in The Warwick Journal of Philosophy,Volume 7: Nomadic Trajectories (1998),Edited by John Sellars, ISBN 1 897646 03 8 * Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007 [Englisch]