==== CoC - Trip 03 / Belgium Canals - 23.05.2012 - 01.06.2012 ==== 2012-10-02 15:48:42 by Monique Alvarez The third trip of the CoC - Project on the Belgian Canals {{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/7448582924/}} This was our last journey within the Control of Commons. Which led us up and down rivers and canals to Brussels. We left from just inside the French border, to get the full experience of a border crossing. More days of travelling and interviewing people living, working, relaxing along the watercourse we will sail, paddle and drift along. http://www.flickr.com/photos/times_up/sets/72157630299761248/ See images of this trip [[http://timesupboatingassociation.wordpress.com/2012/04/|Read the travel blog on the TUBA website]] [[archive|Blog Archive]]