====The Flemish Primitives==== (incomplete) notes from the [[Food Pairing]] seminar held in Brugge 2008.01.05 > http://www.theflemishprimitives.com/ ==== 'The Science of Cooking' Prof. Peter Barham ===== * cooking as a src of inspiration fr the physical sciences * importance of 'questions of why?' * cooking pots -> ceramics -> materials science * boiling pot -> steam engine * split between science and cookery ~1900 * rewoven with n.kurit ~1960 * vegetables & salt * myth of 'keeping greens green' * myths of boiling point changes * heat & meat * heat denatures protein in meat and softens connective tissue * possible to establish a series of temperature intervals for optimal cooking * gels * what can be used beyond pectin & 'jelly'? * currently 15-30 known gelling agents that are edible, with various characteristics * glass * anything 'crisp' or 'crunchy' eg. toffee, isomalt(?) * ice cream * what makes it taste creamy or smooth? * extremely small particles (less than 0.1mm) * can be made by very rapid (eg. liquid nitrogen icecream, or very even cooling (traditional) * what is flavour? * flavour is a mental construct, composed of sensory input from ALL senses as well as memory * sight, esp. colour affects flavour -> * eg. adding 'tasteless' red/blue food colouring to white wine & compare with uncoloured sample of same wine. * sound -> * affects the 'mechanical' actions and perceived texture of what we are eating * 'crunchy' sounds will cause slower, more careful mastication, louder noises will increase 'crunchiness' * people tend to chew in time with music * experiments with playback (& amplification,damping and delay) of eating noises while eating. (x.ref) * touch -> * what we are touching while we eat, as well as the textures of the food affects what we taste. * eg. feeling sand paper while eating crème brûlée ==== Andrew Dornenburg & Karen Page ===== ===='food pairing and olive oil' Prof. Lorenzo Cerretani===== ===='The 4 tastes model' Bart de Pooter - De Pastorale==== ====chefs==== ===='The Chicago Style Hotdog' Ben Roche - Moto====