Table of Contents
September 23rd 2016 - Skype call
Check-in round
Objective of the call
Pitch & USPs
Next steps
September 23rd 2016 - Skype call
Check-in round
Objective of the call
Continue talking about pitch and USPs
Talk about this working group and how it would function
If we have time :
Systems map
Pitch & USPs
Reading and commenting on-the-fly : modifications directly in
Google doc
Additional stuff
Check for UNICITY of the selling points, by benchmarking with other “competitors”.
Concision may be needed.
We did not say we are heterogeneous because we are not really…
Maja asks for more answers to the questions she put as a comment in the pitch.
She can work on it from Tuesday September 27th
We should have a good version before Maja & Nik's trip to Japan : October 10th.
Next steps
A session during the October 7th gathering - 12-1 pm - with Luea online
To wrap up the pitch
If there is time : discuss about the skype works.
Work on text
Work on visuals