Table of Contents

Redefining Craft & Thinking in Patterns

Notes from a session held at the Luminous Green Retreat, 29th of April 2007

Rachel Wingfield and Mathias Gmachl

Main theme: using pattern as a language to connect different fields of knowledge and practice - understanding reality as a shared pattern

For example: observing the role of pattern within a traditional crafts context and also the context of digital technologies and new materials - bridging the gap between past and future, old and new

Using such a pattern based approach when looking at historical developments can have an advantage over a linear approach because:

pattern in different contexts:

Notes on craft:

Notes on Vasu/Barefoot college:

Main principles:

  1. living together in a community
  2. learning by doing, unlearning and relearning (illiterate people can understand basic princinples of electric circuits through practical concepts like colour coding)
  3. learner becomes a teacher during the process

Importance of 1-liner (a simple, yet imaginative way of describing your organisation/activity), especialy in a country with many illiterate or half-literate people. Barefoot college 1-liner:


continual challenges sustain the project - being able to adapt solutions for different regions/climatic situations

discussing population growth and sustainablility