Table of Contents

A few notes from the Designing Design seminar series on electronic arts, organised by Intermedia, held in Oslo, Norway on 20041207:

andrew morrison and synne skjulstad: towards embodied interaction

embodied interaction: creation, communication and sharing of meaning research through experiment and improvisation, as well as production based research

extending performance (dance and tech, augmented and MR spaces, actions and actors, responsive systems…)

activity theory as a conceptual frame / “mediating artefact” from digital scenography to embodied interaction (following some of the premises from P. Dourish “where the action is”)

experiments: improvisation with simple technology (video feedback) + squeezing out everything possible

interaction = informal assemblage of steps

ballectra project: learning design and designing for learning

research: explaining the design practice through theory and vice versa

Tapet project - using video (mpeg) in responsive environments, so that it encourages expressivity from the participants - moving with an absent performer

Karakuri project: anticipatory interaction, playful use of responsive environments – seeing and learning through movement, environment is generated at points where users' actions happen - activity driven system

Intermedia projects helped to 'release' dancers from cages of technique

goal: physical transportation: spectators as participants in a group (post-structuralist spectatorship)

idunn sem: making and analysing multimediated dance

media studies: working with immediacy/hypermediacy (bolter and grusin)


dance and technology

In production projects, theorists became concerned about 'making things work' forgetting the theory in the process

marlon barrios solano: unstable landscapes

associated institutions:

bateson, merleau-ponty, j.j. gibson

monica emilie herstad

per roar thorsnes: slippery land in between

actualises choreography as artistic tool - cross fertilisation of tech and dance in the present context

gretchen schiller

rêve - réveiller (dream / awakening)

choreomedia laboratory

shifting ground

