Archiving colours | |
Gold | open access publishing |
Green | can archive pre-print and post-print |
Blue | can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) |
Yellow | can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) |
White | archiving not formally supported |
via “Green, Blue, Yellow, White & Gold - A brief guide to the open access rainbow.” Bill Hubbard Repositories Support Project. (aka. Notingham colour guide)
related: List of some open access journals
“The problem of highly priced science journals is well-known. A wave of mergers in the publishing business has created giant firms with the power to extract ever higher journal prices from university libraries. As a result, libraries are continually being forced to cough up more money or cut their journal subscriptions. It's really become a crisis. Luckily, there are also two counter-trends at work. In mathematics and physics, more and more papers are available from a free electronic database called the arXiv, and journals are beginning to let papers stay on this database even after they are published. In the life sciences, PubMed Central plays a similar role. There are also a growing number of free journals, especially in mathematics. Many of these are peer-reviewed, and most are run by academics instead of large corporations.”
“Along with SOPA and PIPA, our government is contemplating another acronym with deplorable consequences for the free dissemination of information: RWA, the Research Works Act. This is a bill to, it says, “ensure the continued publication and integrity of peer-reviewed research works by the private sector”, where the important phrase is “private sector” — it's purpose is to guarantee that for-profit corporations retain control over the publication of scientific information”
“The Dutch publisher Elsevier publishes many of the world’s best known mathematics journals […] For many years, it has also been heavily criticized for its business practices. Let me briefly summarize these criticisms.”