Beauty of Collaboration official event pages:

each day was summarised elloquently + concisely in sara's notes - which was very helpful to start each day with a more or less structured head. this page is essentially just interesting bits+ pieces + links + etceteras with somethings still needing link/note scrounging

  • individual - social in the framework of innovation
  • online gaming, copyright, sharing, science and art collaborations, never ending collaborations and completed works
  • language, aesthetic values, tools for and of collaboration, social processes and methods to deal with them
  • evaluation of collaboration
  • Do artists and arts administrations tend to return to the lone artist genious in the times of a identity crisis?
  • What is the look and feel of a collaboration (Pierre Bourdieu - sociology of aesthetics check
  • What is the role of a moderator in a collaboration?
  • How do our identities change in a collaboration, through cohesion with others

  • problems in tech-art collaborations: engineers dont perceive working w/artists as a thing that can advance their carreer
  • advantages in tech-art collaborations: solving tech problems in real life situations is a good thing for both art and engineering
  • teaching art history in art and technology is problematic - no methodology to extract meaning from using technology in artistic production
  • what are the collaborative models for networked media (eg. Encart, ECB –> maja's side note –> there are too many networks of networks in the EU - by the time they get funded there is not much money left for the actual development!)
  • collaborative groups need collective memories, that sometimes function as perpetual archives of loss; they need reassigning of historical roles
  • speaking a language of spiders - listservs: debate to the point of exhaustion
  • lots of examples collaborative works: demo scene, negative land, mongrel, lincos, irrational, rtmark, infrasonic, potatoland…. –> what do these people share in a collaboration (language, memory, joke, religion, funding, play…)
  • how lasting is a collaborative space if it exists in a critical anti-social realm
  • rights are context driven

Nina and Chris

location + distance based collab.

develop public design (interconnections between design (everything) and other disiplines) design as lingua fraca for underlying fields.

  • knowledge mapping
  • interdisciplinary workshops + symposia
  • innovative learning environments
  • individual fellowship projects


  • knowledge maps
  • books
  • websites
  • tv programs

current projects

  • typeface: twin cities
  • knowledge maps
  • if/then: map (else/where)
  • MapCity
  • BUG

“i pissed in your helmet” ben coode-adams + kris cohen

collaboration often begins with the assumption of a divide, are there other starting points?

colab. i sembedded in sci. investigation scientists + mathemeticians have rich history of correspondence

  • spontaneous nature of the scrible
  • dgital archiving postenitals

WestGrid collaboration + visualisation to serve communities of 100s scientists, mathemticians, etc+. process of establishing the collaboration a major collaboraiton in itself

CoLab is a space for aiding + observing math + sci (remote) collab.

  • interactive shared displays
  • shared modiling tools
  • etc+

poorly desgned tech. can be an active impediment


  • in situ (lab)
  • onsite (field)
  • in metting room (varying levels if intrusion/collaboration)


  • homogeneous (same meeting rooms)
  • hetrogeneuos(range of interfaces)


  • some of us here
  • some of us there



  • richness of presence .. .
  • establish + manipulate a shared information space

f2f with tech

  • form factor favours 1-many rather than many-many
  • many→many hard to manage
  • old + new tech doesnt readily mix


  • expectations are constrained

remote with tech.

  • tend to revert to min. requirements
  • mismatch of expectation

cacophony of the commons

  • collab teams + cultures
    • building lingua franca over net in bits
    • mutual respect (lack of)
    • largely reluctant clientele

collab. is like breathing

  • distracting to concentrate on the step os the process
  • we know when its not working

moderation as mother of invention

new media provides a common ground between art, sci + tech.


  • dedication to explore the unkown
  • experimentation
  • observation
  • openness
  • analysis
  • process of discovery


  • problem solving methods
  • aesthetics

collab. leads to new ideas, forms of activity, forms of communication, methods, devices, etc

  • E.A.T projects which involve sci. invention
  • Robert Rauschenberg 'the oracle' → radio tuner dial
  • Andy Warhol → helium baloons
  • Lucinda Childs → dopler radar

intel sponsored; emergence,

learning about how scientists work together. dev. enabling technology

models of sci. collab

  • peer to peer
    • reserchers in same field, sharing data, equipment, common language.
  • interdisciplinary
    • differnt discp. doing complimentry studies of same data, with minimal or no intial common languae and/or techniques
  • producer-consumer
    • interdiscp. but sequentially dependant
    • results of one study used as an input of another
    • wide gap between motivations professional contact may be limited

shared representations

  • SR are common,
  • maths; blackboard with equations, doesnt scale well

collaborative visualisation

  • advantaged well established,
  • what happens with a shared vis. between location, devices, etc
  • distributed control?


  • SMARTBoard, network, video conferencing, dv capture + annotation, whiteboard, paper, markers.


  • viztoolkists + shared tool kits
  • stanford iROS (interactove room operating sytem) collect + display workspaces
  • math toolkits, maple, interactive dictionaries

Pierre Boulanger.

human centred automation, WestGrid overview

edward shanken - duke/isis

  • photonics - sensing nput (ARGUS)
  • visualisation tech / output lyr
    • freespace proj.
    • upcoming sonifcation project

sarah diamond - banff bnmi

  • MIT press - context creators
  • “speaking the language of spiders” circular narative, memory + cultural apropriation
  • LINCOS - commuity tech. project in costa rica
  • what is it we share during collab.?

incite >

  • technology/ethnography/collaboration/evaluation
  • evaluation
    • what is the social organisation of evaluation?
    • how does it always become “good' ?
    • how does value get defined + moved around?
    • what is the invisible work left out?
    • what are th politics of each from of eval? (questionairre, audience reaction, citizens jury, etc)
  • collaboration must includ the network substrate
    • creation of 'boundary objects'
    • generation of inter/intra disciplinary friction
    • practice of intimacy
    • talk of heroics…
  • nuggets and lego
  • collab-play, pleasure
  • architect. space of possibilities
  • humans play with humans
  • children in utopian spaces
  • name the unnamed:
    • alterface
    • fluxtopia
    • fluxographies
  • space in japanese cinema
  • function of its own nature (french cinema)
  • creation-consumption continuum
  • Satzajit Ray - book -allowing to discover a universe
  • tagore -song, light, audience
  • urbicande-la-neuve
  • obscure balade
  • uthopeia
  • saline royale
  • consumption -ugly name
  • across space/time
  • boundary subject (artist, company director…)
  • cuisine of collaboration (organic reorganisation of making objects of desire)

dont forget to enjoy

social dynamics between humans and computers

  • tools lousy communicators
  • too many tools
  • need more sociable devices
  • problems with ubiquitous surveillance
    • personalised spam
    • misuse of personal info
  • paradox; some of the tech needed to create these scenarios can help prevent these scenarios
  • paying attention
  • sensing eye contact with sensors
  • projects
    • auralLamp - only listens if you look at it
    • attentive tv
    • attentive cell phone
    • wearable comps about others looking at you
    • sociable agents - establishes physicl eye contact
    • auraMIRROR - rendering peoples attention superimposed on video image
  • priorities in user attention - sociable computers
  • creating media
  • art-expresses itself through media by manipulating it
  • science builds new tools
  • phidgets - training not needed
  • examples
    • 'flower in bloom'
    • 'mood table'

video conferencing under linux - ISABEL

SAT overview

NECTAR knowledge media desing group

network for effective collaboration technologies thru advanced research

groupware oft suceed in areas where colab. is otherwise possible groupware usually fails when it does not support complex/subtle interaction that make realwork natural, effient.

vision: world class research on tech + social issues to make comp-supported collab. more productive + more natural

knowledge media design the design of (digital) technologies, artifacts and systems intended to enhancs human thinking, creativity, lwaning, communication and collabortation

indivduual vs. collab. tech knowledge media can be intended for use by individuals, groups. can fullfil both roles.

3 locales (to explain local/remote distinctions + working methods)

  • workroom
  • presentation
  • commons
    • informal collab + commm
    • overlap of work/present/personal
  • (personal workspace)


  • how ppl maintain a communal awareness
  • capturing + presenting awareness
  • mitigating privacy concerns


  • display factors affecting colab.
  • enhanced input
  • v.large scale high res. display
  • interaction techniques

presentation room

  • understanding context
  • scalability, acess + engagement
  • content mgmt, info access
  • tech. integration + evaluation

main presentation system for enhanced webcasting (ePresence)

allowing seamless collab across gaps

  • copresent + remote
  • sync + asyncronous

bridging gap between creator + user

  • supporting extensibility
  • squeak

collab. between artists + scientists

beauty of collaboration, what about the agony of collab?

socially adept computing

trust as a central aspect of society.

Advance Collaborative Environments

  • next gen. collaborative env.
  • self setup
  • continuosl adaptation
  • help to build communitites
  • facilitate interactions
  • location + device independant


  • current state of the art is slow, complicated, not very clever, boring, geeky, etc (but its the best we've got!)
  • improve stte of the art

quality of expereince

  • best possible regardless (based on) task, context, location, equipment, etc
  • consistently monitor to determine if adaptaion is required
  • minimum of interference from the system (sucessful when close to invisible)

socity, collaboration and the small world problem

  • possible lack of info. re: activities, capaabilities, interests, what/when/where in a network
  • (ACORN) mobile agents to share social knowledge


  • multi person table based display, attimpting to accomodate people in the eqn.
  • Red Handed hand interaction, gesture recog., person identification
  • Table Manners
    • arch. for person2person collab. support
    • private, personal, group and world based info handling
    • non verbal communicaiton support
    • goal: to think about + design systems which can use profiles of social + cultural behaviour

cultures of collab.

  • some ppl wont/dont/cant
  • its not sensible to try force nonsensical, or unwelcome collab. in any circumstance
  • others who will go to great lengths to wok together

collab. is…

  • shared, or mutual ideas
  • shared values, trust
  • reflects value we see in others

designing for cooperation jonas heide smith

game research

  • explosion of interest in the last 2 years
  • taboos; violence and narrative (dont mention movies and/or books)


  • ppl who interact online are faced with cooperation probs (technical, social, UI)
  • multiplayer gmae designers have been trying to deal with these problems for 20+ yrs
  • user behaviour is very much a consequence of design
  • communication and trust


  • MUD (1980), habitat (1985), labmdaMOO (1990), doom (1993), ultima online (1998), everquest (1999+)

what have game designers learnt

  • ppl cheat is given the posibility (but would rather not be able to. ie: cheat becaue others do)
  • desingers cannot rely on everybody to do the right thing
  • gaming is about communication + being social (ppl want strong comm. features)

how to encourage social behaviours

  • aesthetic level
    • careful use of metaphor, characterisation, imagery, etc+
    • “script” the user to make choises based on metaphor
    • exploit (make use of) conventionalism
  • structural
    • users are self centres
    • individual and colective bahaviour encouragement (discouragement)
    • persistent identities
      • interaction histories
      • reputaion managers, buddy lists, gradual privileges, etc
    • user friendly comm. features
    • repeated interaction (clear group boundaries + “long shadow of the future”)


  • std. usability principles stil apply, but need to be extended
  • HCI is mostly based on tech. sci.,
  • comm + trust is not about signal::noise
  • “the list”
    • script the user
    • gradual priviledge elevation
    • allow for easy + noisy communication
    • ensure repeated interaction
    • credit altruism and/or particular behaviours
    • to be continued…

and more…


  • beauty_of_collaboration_notes.txt
  • Last modified: 2011-04-02 03:57
  • by maja
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