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Part of Project Lirec

Companion Gameplay purpose Intelligence Attachment level
yorda.jpg Yorda in Ico To be rescued General wandering, object avoidance, local route finding - lack of any direction or purpose until a cutscene script takes over. Quite high to begin with, followed by a trough when you realise she's actually quite annoying - e.g. inability to avoid being dragged away by the “shadows” that come after her. In the end you strangly feel attachment again, when she's taken from you - a sort of attachment due to persistence, an annoying friend that won't go away.
alyx.jpg Alyx Vance in Half-Life 2 Cooperative play Object avoidance, combat, use of terrain and cover, blind fire etc. Helping with level progression tasks and capable of showing excitement, dismay and anger. Reception seems good from players, although some complaints about dialogue spoiling the effect with repeated and nonsensical chatter
  • companions_in_games.1232626043.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2009-01-22 12:07
  • by davegriffiths