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doing_nothing [2013-07-10 13:29] nikdoing_nothing [2014-02-27 11:51] nik
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-=== Mindfulness/MBSR ===+==== Mindfulness/MBSR ====
 In 2010 Maja followed the 8 week course in [[http://www.reliablecancertherapies.com/nl/news/mindfulness-training-voor-kankerpatienten-en-hun-naasten|Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction]] at UZ Brussel with Ineke Vanmulders. In 2011 she followed the course [[http://levenindemaalstroom.drupalgardens.com/content/mindfulness-en-communicatie|Mindfulness in Communicatie]] at AZ Antwerpen with Edel Maex. Maja has since used and adapted several mindfulness techniques in FoAM's workshops, meetings, trainings, mentoring and conflict situations. In 2010 Maja followed the 8 week course in [[http://www.reliablecancertherapies.com/nl/news/mindfulness-training-voor-kankerpatienten-en-hun-naasten|Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction]] at UZ Brussel with Ineke Vanmulders. In 2011 she followed the course [[http://levenindemaalstroom.drupalgardens.com/content/mindfulness-en-communicatie|Mindfulness in Communicatie]] at AZ Antwerpen with Edel Maex. Maja has since used and adapted several mindfulness techniques in FoAM's workshops, meetings, trainings, mentoring and conflict situations.
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 A 3 minute breathing pause (in dutch): http://www.georgelangenberg.com/2011/12/drie-minuten-ademruimte/ A 3 minute breathing pause (in dutch): http://www.georgelangenberg.com/2011/12/drie-minuten-ademruimte/
-=== Karma Yoga ===+A talk from Medium about a [[https://medium.com/business-management/df4b03f67d69|Mindful Workplace]] 
 +<blockquote>"why we disconnect matters: We can continue in today’s mode of treating disconnection as a way to recharge and regain productivity, or we can view it as a way to sabotage the addiction tactics of the acceleration-distraction complex that is Silicon Valley. The former approach is reactionary but the latter can lead to emancipation, especially if such acts of refusal give rise to genuine social movements that will make problems of time and attention part of their political agendas - and not just the subject of hand-wringing by the Davos-based spirituality brigades. Hopefully, these movements will then articulate alternative practices, institutions, and designs. If it takes an act of unplugging to figure out how to do it, let’s disconnect indeed. But let us not do it for the sake of reconnecting on the very same terms as before. We must be mindful of all this mindfulness."</blockquote> 
 +==== Karma Yoga ====
 Exercise suggestion: Every morning when arriving at FoAM allow yourself to really arrive in the studio by doing something that will help make the place more enjoyable/beautiful/inhabited. For 15-20 minutes forget about workplans and schedules and simply offer a service to the space in which you spend most of your working hours. Look around and see what needs doing: repairs, cleaning, tidying up, gardening, organising, maintenance, moving furninture... Do not worry about the results, just perform your 'selfless service' for twenty minutes without expectations.  Exercise suggestion: Every morning when arriving at FoAM allow yourself to really arrive in the studio by doing something that will help make the place more enjoyable/beautiful/inhabited. For 15-20 minutes forget about workplans and schedules and simply offer a service to the space in which you spend most of your working hours. Look around and see what needs doing: repairs, cleaning, tidying up, gardening, organising, maintenance, moving furninture... Do not worry about the results, just perform your 'selfless service' for twenty minutes without expectations. 
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   * Nice article on Karma Yoga and volunteering: http://www.yogajournal.com/wisdom/1492/   * Nice article on Karma Yoga and volunteering: http://www.yogajournal.com/wisdom/1492/
-=== Morning ritual ===+==== Morning ritual ====
 Exercise suggestion: Design a small ritual that would allow you to really 'arrive' at your place of work, without thinking of any past or future actions. Sit down (in a group) and have a 5-10 minute meditation. Sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee in silence, just observing the space. Light incense or an oil burner (if this doesn't disturb others). (etc.) Exercise suggestion: Design a small ritual that would allow you to really 'arrive' at your place of work, without thinking of any past or future actions. Sit down (in a group) and have a 5-10 minute meditation. Sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee in silence, just observing the space. Light incense or an oil burner (if this doesn't disturb others). (etc.)
-=== Regular pauses ===+==== Regular pauses ====
 In order to keep sufficiently concentrated for eight or more hours a day, it helps to take regular breaks (once every (half) hour for a minute or so).  In order to keep sufficiently concentrated for eight or more hours a day, it helps to take regular breaks (once every (half) hour for a minute or so). 
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-=== Meeting rituals ===+==== Meeting rituals ====
 Exercise proposal: Before beginning a meeting, sit together in silence for a few minutes. Become aware of yourself, your moods and expectations. Experience the presence of other people and remind yourself that they might have different moods or expectations, allow yourself to be open to anything that happens. Exercise proposal: Before beginning a meeting, sit together in silence for a few minutes. Become aware of yourself, your moods and expectations. Experience the presence of other people and remind yourself that they might have different moods or expectations, allow yourself to be open to anything that happens.
-=== Monotasking ===+==== Monotasking ====
 In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that multitasking is quite ineffective and stress inducing -- it's akin to an institutionalised and encouraged form of ADD. At FoAM we're experimenting with different approaches to reduce extreme multitasking in the work of individuals and groups.  In recent years it has become increasingly apparent that multitasking is quite ineffective and stress inducing -- it's akin to an institutionalised and encouraged form of ADD. At FoAM we're experimenting with different approaches to reduce extreme multitasking in the work of individuals and groups. 
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   Say nothing!   Say nothing!
   Print nothing!   Print nothing!
 +==== Working Less ====
 +  * http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2013/09/working-hours
 +  * http://www.newyorker.com/talk/financial/2014/01/27/140127ta_talk_surowiecki
 +  * http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/12/why-the-9-to-5-day-is-so-tough-on-creative-workers/282331/
 +==== Fishing ====
 +  * go fishing. if fishing is too stressful, go fishing without hooks...
 +==== Idlers Ideas ====
 +  * a nice trio: [[http://www.amazon.com/Doing-Nothing-History-Loungers-Slackers/dp/B005M4JCH6|Doing Nothing]], How to Be Idle, The Underachiever's Manifesto: The Guide to Accomplishing Little and Feeling Great 
 +  * [[http://vooruit.be/en/magazine/detail/52/Andrew_Simms_opende_Transitiefestival_met_hoopvolle_boodschap|Andrew Simms]] is een pleitbezorger van de kortere werkweek. Hij stelt een radicale herverdeling van arbeid voorop (een 4-daagse werkweek i.p.v. 5-daagse) en heeft ook een tip voor een bezigheid op de 5de dag: ga (weer) tuinieren
 +   * Braakliggen - zie fragment uit [[http://www.bol.com/nl/p/verre-velden/9200000009906080/|Verre velden]], Ton Lemaire
 +   * European Citizen's initiative for an [[http://basicincome2013.eu/|Unconditional Basic Income]]
 +   * [[http://www.apache.be/2013/05/21/werkloosheid-als-ziekte/?fb_action_ids=10151597325159588&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582|Werklozen hoeven zich nergens schuldig over te voelen]]. En al helemaal niet ziek. Ze kunnen de tijd nemen om bij te leren over onderwerpen zonder enige marktwaarde of voor bezigheden waar niemand hen ooit voor zou willen betalen.
 +  * In 1568 stierf Montaignes vader en werd Michel kasteelheer. Op dat kasteel trok hij zich drie jaar later, in 1571, met zijn gezin, terug uit het politieke leven en de rechterlijke macht, om er te gaan lezen in de talloze boeken die hij van zijn vriend Étienne de La Boétie geërfd had. Hij was toen 37 jaar oud. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essais
 +  *  in june 2000 elisabeth schimana and markus seidl started with the following mission: "a farming village in upper austria is sought, whose inhabitants are ready to discuss the following questions with us: what does comfort mean? is it comfortable to do nothing? what does it mean to do nothing? who is allowed to do what about doing nothing? the results form seven days of doing nothing. http://www.nichtstun.org/index.html
 +  * http://tim-parks.com/non-fiction/teach-us-to-sit-still/
 +  * Radio Passive
 +  * no-grow zone
 +==== Homage to Idleness ====
 +Over the centuries, the illusion of mastering time through obedience to it came into acceptance. Across Europe, the medieval monastery’s bell tolled as a reminder to eat, sleep and pray. But while there must have been some soul’s release in relinquishing earthly sovereignty to that sound, as the clock’s authority spread, we sealed all the gaps through which curiosity might seep into our days. Curiosity, after all, could lure the susceptible way off track, as the Italian poet Petrarch learned in the spring of 1336, when he famously climbed Mont Ventoux, motivated by “nothing but the desire to see its conspicuous height.” One of the texts he carried along was Saint Augustine’s “Confessions,” detailing the moral dangers of such expeditions, when men “go out to admire the mountains,” or the course of the stars, and therein forget themselves. Chastened, Petrarch made his descent in silence.
 +Only the Enlightenment redeemed our penchant to while away the hours in wonder. The English philosopher Thomas Hobbes called curiosity the “singular passion” separating humans from animals. Even better, it was “a Lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in the continual and indefatigable generation of Knowledge exceedeth the short vehemence of any carnal Pleasure.” What pleasure we might know by letting curiosity have its way with us for an hour or two. 
 +==== The Right to Laziness ====
 +<blockquote> The right to laziness, once claimed by Paul Lafargue in Le Droit à la Paresse (1880), is perhaps more topical than ever. We live a time and age when competitiveness is the categorical imperative in the name of which businesses, towns, regions, countries and continents are set against each other. A time and age when business people are proclaimed guardian angels because of jobs to be created or to be saved. In such a time and age to claim the right to laziness seems like a betrayal, an appeal to apathy, almost blasphemy! - Isabelle Stengers
 +==== Doing nothing experiences ====
 +"Sometimes out here in nature you have days when its very quiet you know.. An you get these moments out in the forest when nothing makes any sound, when nothing moves, not even a leaf of grass. These are moments.. its really kind of weird you know.. when just for a moment you start to doubt if time has stopped. You get this weird feeling that you are trapped in.. in something like  photograph." Linas Ramanauskas of Nida Art Colony
 +"After a week of Vipasana we'd been sitting inside meditating all the time. On the last day I went out behind the conference centre into the garden. And after that meditating the birds in the garden just hipped past me really close. They weren't scared at all." Cocky
 +Ons brein krijgt zoveel stimuli te verwerken, dat we onze focus verliezen. Weinigen snakken naar een wereld zonder e-mail of internet hoewel vrijwel iedereen de nadelen ervaart. Ik stap een jaartje uit het bombardement, benieuwd wat die rust en stilte met zich brengen. -[[http://www.tijd.be/r/t/1/id/9468366|Johan Braeckman]]
 +==== Bored, on Mars====
 +<blockquote>A trip to Mars, with its invisible technology and vast, unprecedented distance from home, could estrange or alienate a crew to an unprecedented degree. Such a distance could produce an entirely new kind of boredom, impossible to imagine on Earth.
 +==== Unemployment ====
 +"What do you do when you find yourself with a lot more time and a lot less money on your hands than you’re used to?"
  • doing_nothing.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-07-05 15:35
  • by maja