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dust_and_shadow:start [2019-08-29 16:43] majadust_and_shadow:start [2019-09-10 08:59] maja
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 ==== Dust and Shadow ==== ==== Dust and Shadow ====
-//Pulvis et umbra sumus. We are but dust and shadow. Horace//+<blockquote>Pulvis et umbra sumus. We are but dust and shadow. <cite>Horace</cite></blockquote>
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 Dust and Shadow is FoAM's contribution to a transdisciplinary research and residency programme at the ASU (Arizona State University) focused on environmental issues specific to the North-American Southwest. We combine philosophical inquiry with experiential futures and technological arts to explore existing and potential relationships between people and the desert. By addressing the mythical and experiential underpinnings of contemporary life in the desert, we invite emotional engagement with abstract concepts, such as desertification, climate weirding or attunement. We design participatory experiences and experimental publications, as evocative propositions for re-alignment of urban and desert ecosystems.  Dust and Shadow is FoAM's contribution to a transdisciplinary research and residency programme at the ASU (Arizona State University) focused on environmental issues specific to the North-American Southwest. We combine philosophical inquiry with experiential futures and technological arts to explore existing and potential relationships between people and the desert. By addressing the mythical and experiential underpinnings of contemporary life in the desert, we invite emotional engagement with abstract concepts, such as desertification, climate weirding or attunement. We design participatory experiences and experimental publications, as evocative propositions for re-alignment of urban and desert ecosystems. 
-//In collaboration with The Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS), Desert Humanities Institute, Center for Philosophical technologies/Laboratory of Critical Technics (LCT) and the Synthesis Lab of the Arizona State University (ASU).// 
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-{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/albums/72157681429258454/  ?maxwidth=1000}}\\+{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/39953069625/ ?maxwidth=1000}}\\
   * photos https://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/sets/72157681429258454   * photos https://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/sets/72157681429258454
-  * Dust and Shadow on FoAM's website: https://fo.am/dust-and-shadow/+  * Dust & shadow on FoAM's website: https://fo.am/dust-and-shadow/
   * fragments https://d-u-s-t-and-shadow.tumblr.com   * fragments https://d-u-s-t-and-shadow.tumblr.com
-==== Timecycles ==== 
-Dust and Shadow is developed on-site in Arizona (three field trips for research, design and creation of public experiments) and online (publications, a wiki and an LP). The project concludes with a final event at the ASU in Phoenix/Tempe in the fall of 2019. 
-  * Spring 2017 (may/june): [[fieldtrip 1]], observations, questions, [[https://medium.com/@foam/dust-and-shadow-field-notes-1-48e94d02540b|field notes #1]], etc. \\ 
-  * Summer 2017 (july/august): articulating research [[concepts|questions]], [[resonances|literature]] research, mapping, etc.\\ 
-  * Fall 2017 (november/december): [[fieldtrip 2]], FoAM presentation/talk at LCT & Synthesis, experimental workshop, formulating [[experiments]] for experiments, planning [[publications]]\\ 
-  * Winter 2019 (february): writing, editorial and design for [[https://medium.com/@foam/dust-and-shadow-field-notes-2-3a4542feeecd|field notes #2]] and [[reader 1]] 
-  * Spring 2018 (march): [[fieldtrip 3]], prototyping and experiments: desert attunement trip, thalient lab, [[https://fo.am/activities/dust-and-shadow-soundwalk/|D&S soundwalk]], desert equinox ritual\\ 
-  * Winter/Spring 2019: [[https://medium.com/@foam/dust-and-shadow-field-notes-3-af72c73a988e|field notes #3]], editorial and design [[reader 2]] and field notes booklet 
-  * Summer 2019: sound design for record release, exhibition design for Dust and Shadow reading room and acoustic ecology salon 
-  * Fall 2019: Desert Humanities Launch, library exhibition opening and Dust & Shadow symposium\\ 
-  * + continuous online documentation\\ 
 ---- ----
- +//In collaboration with The Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS), Desert Humanities Initiative, Center for Philosophical Technologies (CPT), Laboratory of Critical Technics (LCT) and the Synthesis Lab of the Arizona State University (ASU).//
-{{>http://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/34924661822 ?maxwidth=1000}}\\ +
  • dust_and_shadow/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2019-09-10 08:59
  • by maja
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