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As a way of structuring the Grow Your Own Worlds publication, we have organised its themes and content into several “worlds” that broadly represent our foci of interest and possibly the shape of the book’s “chapters”.

Reality Generation

… where we talk about FoAM's experiments with immersive, responsive, transmedia environments, and our explorations of the edges between the digital and the physical worlds

Behind the Algorithms

… in which we trace a path through computational worlds, beginning with glitch art and generative media through to live coding, tangible media, (mini)games and augmented reality apps

Human-Plant Interaction

… where we investigate the many possible relationships between plants and humans, including urban gardening, citizen science games, speculative experiments with human-plant communication and a reintroduction of seasonal rituals

Towards Luminous Green

… in which we look at FoAM's environmental worldviews; combining culture, technology and sustainability; electricity with greenness; augmentation with foraging

Alternate Realities and Possible Futures

… balancing on the edges of fiction and reality, futurology and fortunetelling, delving deep into FoAM's explorations of speculative culture, looking at what emerges when we dare ask “what if?” and prototype the answers as artistic experiments and daily rituals; here we also explore several perspectives on surviving and thriving in turbulent times, and ask what cultural resilience might be like, today and in the future

Grow your own

… aside from being a well-known creed in the countercultural movement, Grow Your Own is a philosophy that we apply across different disciplines, through hands-on workshops and co-creation sessions. In the book we look back at the people, stories and methods we developed to encourage participatory learning and open knowledge sharing

FoAM Food

… is one of the pillars of our transdisciplinary culture; in this world we reveal the secrets of FoAM's experimental kitchen and include recipes and menus from some of our most beloved meals

Hosting Craft

… where we talk about the foundation of a FoAM culture that is based on hosting and nurturing its collaborators and participants through intergenerational residencies and transiencies, coaching, mentoring and even matchmaking

Institutional Hacking

… where we talk about the nuts and bolts of experimenting with an organisation as an artform, FoAM as an extended clan blurring the boundaries between life and work, and the many pros and cons that we experienced in the flesh during this process

Affordable Mysticism

… is the small niche of all things meta and pata, the esoteric, mystical and spiritual dimensions that though often occulted, are like dark matter interspersed as background radiation behind everything we do

  • Data, metadata, pata- and para-data

Who's who

… where we talk about and hear from FoAM's extended family, the various people involved, devolved and in partial orbit or comet-rendezvous flyby. We want to surface the manifold links between people, places, projects and studios in FoAM's family and friends, as well as to find out what happened to the many individuals who worked with us as emerging artists, scientists and other generalists with whom we share(d) many things but have subsequently lost touch through temporal, spatial or philosophical distance…

We have begun collating relevant material from our archives in the surfacing_stuff node.

  • f15/overview.1428317220.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015-04-06 10:47
  • by maja