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56 Hits, Last modified:
==== FoAM in the press ==== A collection of articles written about FoAM and our work by other people (press, journals, bo...|Interview with FoAM's co-founders Maja Kuzmanović & Nik Gaffney]]. Pu... blication/interview-with-transdisciplinary-studio-foam-earth/|Interview with FoAM Earth]]. Published 15
phoef @luminous
24 Hits, Last modified:
hoEf started off as a residency at [[|FoAM]] Brussels, cultural lab in 2007. Ever since, Pho... yet interrelated domains..." See also Case 4: by FoAm member Angelo Vermeulen & Diego Maranan. "Biomodd as a Paradox" and Case 38: by FoAM & Partners. "Resilients" "The Case of Edmond A. ... 4. Assam, India. On Resilience: interview after FoAM [[ Luminous Green/
11 Hits, Last modified:
mall/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="">post glacial rebound by FoAM</a></iframe> </html> \\ You can also [[|lis... and otherwise. The soundscape is composed with FoAM's field recordings made on Seili during the spri
11 Hits, Last modified:
p is designed and facilitated by Maja Kuzmanovic (FoAM), as part of the Futurology of Co-Operation proje... shop schedule}}\\ [[|Photo album]]\\ {{::futu... </blockquote> {{>}}\\ ==== Divination ==== Divinat... ewspaper|here]]. {{>}}\\ === Closed eye v
3 Hits, Last modified:
==== Physical Gardens ==== * [[church_garden]] FoAM Amsterdam's edible garden project * [[tuin van ... ]] Amsterdam public park designed in workshops by FoAM with neighbors and experts. Other gardens: * [... city-gardens * [[edible guilds]]: the guilds in FoamLab's garden - Amsterdam * [[Masanobu Fukuoka]]:
3 Hits, Last modified:
facilitation and hosting techniques practiced at FoAM for over a decade. The page is structured based o... ideomethodcards.pdf A few experiments that we at FoAM scavenged and adapted from various methods *... / * FoAM's experimental methodology to create embodied fut
2 Hits, Last modified:
d Design, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland [2] FoAM In this talk, we want to tell a story about how... d Design, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland [2] FoAM A meta live coding performance, toplap-complian
2 Hits, Last modified:
alk 02022 ---- {{>}} > The ... her latitudes. {{>}}\\ How do we want to be on Seili
1 Hits, Last modified:
**damselflies** (into branch structure of tree at FoAM's MidWest garden) === structures: === * **area
  • foam.txt
  • Last modified: 2021-09-06 10:35
  • by nik