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Plant spirit design

*Tree Spirits* What are Tree Spirits: Tree spirits are ancient and wise, offering healing magic, wisdom and insight.

A tree spirit is a type of nature spirit, and effectively the “living soul” of a tree. It has much in the way of wisdom and healing to offer those who are willing to listen and absorb. Tree spirits are ghostly and otherworldly, often glimpsed out of the corner of the eye in a darkened wood or a flash of sunlight through the forest canopy. Primarily, tree spirits act as the guardians and life force of the trees. Responsible for nurturing and growing them, the tree spirits are keen to share their wisdom regarding the care of the planet, particularly that of forests, woods and the wildlife that dwells within. They are also excellent healers, and leaning against the trunk of a tree can bring about great restorative powers. Tree spirits are not entirely bound to their tree; they can venture a short distance away. Legends tell of folk becoming unsettled in forests at night, because of the tree spirits stirring and walking about the woods.

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  • Last modified: 2011-08-23 08:52
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