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a speculative project within Project GroWorld to design and implement interfaces between humans and plants

I/O Plant

<bibtex> @inproceedings{conf/chi/KuribayashiST07, title = {I/O plant: a tool kit for designing augmented human-plant interactions.}, author = {Satoshi Kuribayashi and Yusuke Sakamoto and Hiroya Tanaka}, booktitle = {CHI Extended Abstracts}, crossref = {conf/chi/2007a}, editor = {Mary Beth Rosson and David J. Gilmore}, pages = {2537-2542}, publisher = {ACM}, url = {}, year = {2007}, description = {dblp}, ee = {}, isbn = {978-1-59593-642-4}, date = {2007-05-02}, keywords = {dblp } } </bibtex>

see also; Human-Plant-Human Interaction, Plant-Computer-Human Interaction, Human-Plant Interaction, etc+

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