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Silent political Party of Trees in Zonienwoud

A long time in the future… after events that changed our world, a silent political Party of Trees was formed. Not to rule the world or make laws for the economic profit of selected individuals but to advise, feed and protect all species of this earth.

With their heads high in the sky they stood for the rights and duties of all beings, and the natural patterns of life and death. Rights that every living creature deserves equally. Duties that many of them performed already, but were made to do even more or live in poverty or even to hide their existence by the dominant species.

The silent political Party of Trees was formed from Arboreal persons chosen to represent every aspect they stood for:

  • love and beauty
  • energy
  • water and food
  • drugs and health
  • air and soil
  • wisdom
  • weakness
  • life and death
  • symbiosis…

Chosen trees understood the importance of their engagement and the responsibilities that they would have to cary on their shoulders from one age to another. Their party was formed not out of boredom, fancy, or private ambition but pure necessity for this planet and the universe.

Are we ready to allow and embrace the necessity?

If you want to join the silent political Party of Trees you have to complete this walk and listen to the stories thees trees are telling you.

  • Oak
  • Elder
  • Hazelnut
  • Hornbeam
  • Alder
  • Birch
  • Larch
  • Beuk
  • identity_of_trees_walks.1395703015.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014-03-24 23:16
  • by alkan