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leftover_inflatable_archive [2014-09-26 21:21] cockyleftover_inflatable_archive [2014-09-26 21:32] cocky
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 ==== Leftover Inflatable Archive ==== ==== Leftover Inflatable Archive ====
 +tomás saraceno‘s large-scale installation ‘in orbit’ is suspended at a height of 20 meters, high above the piazza of the K21 ständhaus (kunstsammlung nordrhein-westfalen) in düsseldorf. opening, june 21st, 2013 the work sees the argentinian artist cover an area of 2500 m2 (across three floors), with a safety net construction composed of floating ‘levels’ separated by a series of large spheres; air-filled PVC balls reaching up to 8.5 meters in diameter each. positioned just below the glass cupola of the cultural institution, the expansive interactive space offers those museum visitors brave enough to climb up onto the sprawling web, the opportunity to perceive the world from new heights and vantage points, in which gallery patrons below are merely depicted as miniature figures moving in our world. those who do not wish to extend themselves into this state of suspension and remain grounded can still experience the themes of falling, floating and flight which saraceno wishes to express; they instead observe bodies in orbit, tumbling in the latticework, appearing as if they are swimming in the sky.http://www.designboom.com/art/tomas-saraceno-puts-you-in-orbit/
 +-source www._pepou.com\\
 +-'Bubbleman' at the Pacific Beach, Ca\\
 + Copyright @2001 Jim Volkert\\
 +source: www.kbcamera.com/volkertphotos.htm\\
 +Models in a rainbow bubble\\
 +Yoshiki Hishinuma’s work began by exploring traditional japanese clothing and origami. Here Hishinuma's clothes non-clothes grasp the divine essence of wind.\\
 +source: Clothes by Yoshiki Hishinuma (©1986 by Yobisha ISBN 4946419357, 9784946419355).  
 +The dam, which would be located over a gorge at Lake Lagoda in north-west Russia, includes a cup-shaped spinnaker sail, believed to be the first of its kind, which will generate renewable energy by funnelling the wind through an attached turbine.
 +The spinnaker shape is similar to the mainsail of a yacht, and is thought to be particularly effective in capturing wind.
 +Project architect Laurie Chetwood, said that the shape of the sail was influenced by functionality and a desire to produce something “sculptural”.
 +He added: “The sail looks like a bird dipping its beak into the water, which will be much less of a blot on this beautiful and unblemished landscape.
 +“But it is also highly effective at capturing the wind because it replicates the work of a dam and doesn’t let the wind escape in the way it does using traditional propellers.”
 +If granted planning, the dam will be 25m high and boast a 75m span when it goes on site next year. The practice is also looking at applying for planning permission for a similar scheme at another gorge, further up the valley.\\
 +source: http://www.bdonline.co.uk/story.asp?storycode=3098374\\
  • leftover_inflatable_archive.txt
  • Last modified: 2014-09-27 17:28
  • by cocky