This is an old revision of the document!

Workshop Notes

workshop on 20121012 and 20121013. participants; Heath Bunting, An Mertens, guillaume neu-rinaudo, reg carremans, karin ulmer, lucia penninckx, els de greef, rasa alksnyte, nik gaffney, maja kuzmanovic.

Concept: Legal identity of trees in period of quick extinction

Day 1 - Look at trees in Forest de Soignes / Verdronken Kinderen-Enfants Noyés - different elements of identity we looked at: * origin * age * gender * position/postcode

- General parameters that create a 'normal' identity: * minimal: name, date of birth, nationality ~ what's your name? where are you from? how old are you? → nationality is complex in general, and also for the tree → can nationality be replaced by citizenship? Or by 'family'/species the tree belongs to? * functional

other possible parameters: health insurance fax bank account → create a 'corporation' around the tree?


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  • Mycelium running: how mushrooms can help save the world
  • The revenge of Gaia
  • The end of the wild
  • Hildegard's healing plants
  • A new green history of the world
  • legal_identity_for_trees.1350385501.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012-10-16 11:05
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