• small examples create big change
  • openness to accept difficult factors that will allow you to change
  • crisis helps us to change
  • transferability of skills
  • resilience in the face of death: acceptance of death helps us overcome it
  • letting go
  • radical curiosity
  • sometimes we need to leave a system, for it to change
  • goal→obstacle often leads to better things
  • sometimes change is painful
  • How do we give up being what we are to continue being?
  • How can we live in the present culture differently?
  • Can you hold / be with uncertainty?
  • How could we ask the right questions (toolkits, models of resilience, learning from others)?
  • What can we learn across fields (with regards to resilient systems)?
  • How do we create an explosion of multiple tactics, approaches etc. to get to a resilient Luminous Green - that can multiply forever (e.g. 100 000 years), but that can also change?
  • How does resilience change practices, design & communication of our ideas, objects & obstacles?
  • How do we find ways to experience the fragility, rigidity and stretch of ecosystems?
  • How do we create healthy, resilient, luminous green evolving rituals that encourage us to take responsibility for our own actions?
  • Pruning: should we - and if so, how do we decide when to remove a branch - is it dead, can it sprout elsewhere?
  • Why are the Beatles and Elvis fragile, but David Bowie and Trent Reznor resilient?
  • Where is the home-brew resilience club?
  • Where is the money (qui boon)?
  • Let's develop a handbook of resilient frameworks (core identity, ethics, diversity & nutrition, neuroscience…)!
  • Who are resilience experts?
  • What kind of ethics do we use to select appropriate resilient systems?
  • What can we learn about resilience from examining feminine & masculine values / matriarchal & patriarchal societies?
  • How do we nourish an ecology of resilient systems?

Ordered in the Order of Civilisation (from the Long Now): Fast Layers innovate, slow layers stabilise, the whole combines learning with continuity.


Space Ecologies

host: Angelo

  • participants: Nik, Hendrik, Blaine, Vinay


  • Red Mars Trilogy
  • Buckminster Fuller as reincarnation of a space squid
  • Space porn to fund space exploration (XXX Prize)
  • Closed ecosystem:
    • incentives,
    • avoid STalinism,
  • Project at the same time
    • closed system is not necessarily the best
    • how to build a system that opens and closes as required?


Rituals and Evolving Traditions

Host: Pippa

  • participants: Sara, Maja, Trudo, Androne, Dougald, Rasa, Bartaku, Thomas, Loes


  • Pruning & Death: architecture of cemeteries, organic graveyard (birds, bees sanctuary), thinks outside of G4, “leaving” society
  • Rituals of serendipity: Dice Rolling (in organisations every morning: 1,1=cleaning; 6,6=group excursion), trust, deliberate inefficiency, ability to choose
  • Travel (Hakim Bey - aimless wandering) thanking, washing, swimming, arrival and departure (on airports, thanking the security guards for patting you down), sitting
  • Work: Quotes, Play, “how are you”, Money, Mondays
  • Food: sharing, seasons

Further Notes

BEING - How to Deal with an Identity Crisis and Become Luminous

host: Mahmood

  • participants: Thomas, Sara


  • Is doing thinking?
  • How important is experience to reach treater understanding?
  • When or what is the present and how can we live in the now?

Poetry of Witness - Against Forgetting (Carolyn Forche)

host: Maureen

  • participants: Thomas, Cocky, Theun, Angelo

Discussed: Poetry as witness to a “third space” between personal and political - the social unique observations/abilities. Resisting erasure of certain experiences on the junction of personal/political recognising observation itself as an event, by objectifying it. At the same time having space and capacity to embrace contradiction, otherness, ugliness, trauma, diversity, RESILIENCE

Grassroots Education

host: Pippa

  • participants: Maureen, Pieter

Discussed: Critical Aspects of Success

  • Challenges of open learning -
    • enthusiasm of students in open courses
    • cultural dimensions
    • physical space (+cost to cross it)
    • quality: new ways to ensure and evaluate it
    • US university models (social capital)
  • Breaking dichotomies of teacher/student - expert/novice - empowerment
  • Teaching to learn IS learning to teach
  • teaching to learn: responsibility to participate, e.g. documentation, proposing lessons, anarchic structure, skills vs titles gained
  • learning to teach: writing skills for new contexts, knowledge work, technical skillsharing, dynamic style, taking an authoritative role


System Maps

host: Vinay

  • participants: Hendrik, Nik, Pippa, Androne, Blaine, Maureen, Angelo


  • Simple critical infrastructure maps, nation states vs international organisations


Urban Plantations
  • participants: Cocky, Theun, Lina, Rasa, Trudo, Loes, Bart, Christina, Wietske, Johan, Anna-Maria, Nenad


  • Mapping the existing potentials
  • Mapping the existing edible sites
  • apply them to build infrastructures
  • Bait elements as propagators for seeding (like pigeons except they don't fly)

A Luminous Green Village

host: Vinay

  • participants: Simone, Pippa, Nik, Dougald, Mahmood, Trudo, Christina, Loes, Lina, Theun, Tapio
  • Who can offer what:

Garden - Lina, Sauna - Tapio, Look for low cost space - Lina, Communication - Pippa, Hexayurts - Vinay, Learning from existing communities - Simone


  • project (3month prototype) - 1 year - building a village of hexayurts etc.: costs 100-500 euro/person
  • a social experiment/art installation
  • a non-intentional community living together in an autonomous and interdependent way
  • what are the angles that make this different from existing ecovillages
  • need to start this in the next 6 weeks

* Vinay: things and land

   * Nik: money
   * Simone, Mahmood, Dougald: people (presents who want to go to space)
   * Pippa: archivist
 * pin down in next few days if it can fit into Resilience
 * next meeting: 22/23 september to bring results together and write a project description

session notes

Biomimicry - what models in nature can become our teachers

hosts: Anna-Maria & Carole

  • participants: Angelo, Lina, Tapio, Mahmood, Theun, Johan


  • Biomimicry as a driver for innovation on 2 levels

* functionality of organisms, or ecosystems

   * behavioural, i.e.when organisms get together to perform a specific function which assists with resilience
   * when does a model break down - benchmark for resilience
   * thermite model - school in Sweden
 * The complexity in systems and how our perception of a system is affecting our understanding

Networking for Personal Resilience

host: Dougald

  • participants: Vinay, Maja, Nik, Blaine, Loes, Maureen, Thomas


  • what grids are we depending on?
  • shadow institutions
  • funding -

* agriculture funding

   * crowd sourcing (true fans) and social networks (e.g. HUB experience)
   * start-up Network - e.g. O'Reilly Community
 * Reducing dependency on money
   * social networks and exchange
   * trust 
   * Chicago party crews
   * secret societies


How do We Build Resilient Luminous Green Online Communities?

Host: Blaine

  • participants: Vinay, Nik, Simone, Maureen, Angelo, Maja, Theun


  • How is identity constructed (or not) on the web
  • How do you increase findability
  • How do we architect appropriate technology for valuable (and sustainable interactions on the web)


Friction / Lubricants & TV

hosts: Tapio & Dougald

  • participants: Thomas, Maja, Audrone, Lina


  • Dark Mountain
  • Homegrown and imported ideas/understanding/policy
  • suggested: Improv - Stevie Wishart
  • military & future reenactment
  • food production - Baltics, Balkans, Grow Sheep

Herb herds, bunny beans, photons & power plants

+ mitochondria, neurones, synapse mediated insights, perception, power & action towards a LG-realm

Host: Bart

  • Participants: Anna-Maria, Carole, Johan, Wietske, Sara, Pieter, Rasa, Lina, Nenad


  • Kilo Jules to Micro Watts
  • Beetroot reality - cooling & heating data centres in cellars
    • leftovers can be used for natural dye sensitised solar cells
    • solar cells should be edible
    • electricity converted to kJ and feeding the body, providing nutrients & chemicals for the brain
  • Emotional recipes & mood enhancers - colours in hospital paint, forest floor, window cleaners as superheroes
  • Landboard to caviar: closed loop systems
  • The hose rather than the fork
  • Meditation - awareness of what body-mind needs

Sense & Sensuality

Host: Tapio

  • Participants: Anna Maria, Johan, Carole, Theun, Cocky, Pieter, Christina, Lina, Wietske, Nenad


  • How people shift emphasis to different sense and translate them into bio-processes that create experience, knowledge, change of perception of the everyday, enlightenment.
  • Qualitative differences between sensing and the sensuous.
  • Biosphere experience:
    • need for a Luminous green superhero that has different sense-powers
    • naturally, technically & scientifically enhanced senses
    • 'intelligent' materials that respond to the environment without power-supply.

Three in one: Mobile, 2 feet & pocket
  • Participants: Christina, Bartaku, Cocky, Theun, Rasa, Wietske, Anna Maria, Johan, Nenad, Trudo, Lina, Loes
  • Discussed: Walking, recognising, picking and naming wild plants.
Edible Landscape in Your Pocket
  • host: Theun


  • Uses of mapping edible wildlife
  • How to use the Boskoi app » suggestion: in case of bad network connection, storing new additions in phone-memory.
  • other apps: plant determination » almost impossible to get a final identification of plants.
  • data collection via mobile phone, what could that be used for? » overlaying mappings like edibles, soil quality, strange people.
  • edible city issues » soil quality, over-harvesting, mushroom are difficult.
  • luminous/lg10_harvest.txt
  • Last modified: 2010-08-08 11:55
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