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   * Esther Polak - GPS traces through the city "Amsterdam Real Time" (2002) - the mediated event - sky-drawing, "Milk", fishing boats - different stories emerge than when we look at  photographs - new positioning of artists in the field, just breaking ground   * Esther Polak - GPS traces through the city "Amsterdam Real Time" (2002) - the mediated event - sky-drawing, "Milk", fishing boats - different stories emerge than when we look at  photographs - new positioning of artists in the field, just breaking ground
   * 3D projections in cinemas, art galleries - contemporary fairgrounds to exercise new perceptions   * 3D projections in cinemas, art galleries - contemporary fairgrounds to exercise new perceptions
 +=== Anouk Visser & Reinier Kop ===
 +Creating Technology for nature conservation, in game reserves and agricultural mapping, [[http://www.dutchuas.nl|Dutch UAS]]
 +  * primarily drones
 +  * motivation: 
 +    * rhino poaching, the anti-poaching drones need to be cheap and simple for the rangers to use
 +    * game counting (compulsory)
 +    * elevation/photographic maps and 3D models
 +  * where to: 
 +    * object detection/recognition - reduces time needed to go through the images, towards 100% accuracy
 +    * AI counting tool - automatic reporting of current states and changes over time
 +    * expand to other sensors (multispectral/thermal) for precision agriculture and crop monitoring
 +    * Earth Observation Platform - gathering analysing and visualisation of data - for any environment
 +  * "surveillance company for nature" - military algorithms not open sourced
 +=== Xavier San Giorgi ===
 +Relationships between technology and food forestry
 +Reading technology or reading nature? 
 +  * Food forest - farming like the forest - perennial plants, complete diet farmed all year around, systems approach - design science from a holistic perspective; robotics can help with monitoring of feedback loops
 +    * more biodiversity, more biomass, more yield, more lushness
 +    * low maintenance system
 +    * Layers of the forest (overstory, understory, shrubs, herbs, ground-cover, root, climber
 +    * biodiversity - including plants, animals, insects, microbes… - in an equilibrium; if not - more work!
 +    * healthy soil (springiness of forest soil)
 +  * Too often we design agricultural spaces in order to adapt to machinery we use
 +  * [[http://permaculturenews.org/2012/06/30/planning-for-permanence-with-yeomans-keyline-scale/|Yeoman’s Keyline Scale of permanence]] (change effort - energy / relative permanence - time)
 +  * Food forests exist more in tropical/subtropical gardens
 +  * How do you design a food forest for a city scape? In recreation areas, plants that aren’t commercially viable, that are difficult to harvest industrially
 +  * [[http://www.foodforestry.nl/#!vbamb/cv7e|Voedselbos Makeblijde]]
 +Tech requirements:
 +  * touch earth lightly
 +  * broaden our senses, be aware it shapes the way we behave
 +  * help ppl reconnect to nature
 +  * be amazed with and learn about the environment, give it meaning
 +  * not a substitution, it’s always more layered - to design more complex agricultures
 +=== Paul Roncke ===
 +at [[https://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Persons/ir.-PA-Paul-Roncken.htm?subpage=publications|Wageningen University]]
 +[[http://landscapemachines.com/|Landscape Machines]]
 +  * Deep Longing to own a piece of land 
 +  * Urban agriculture is not going to solve the food problem, but it points to a DIY approach - hands, heart & head, food (consumption), playfulness, fantasy (arcadia)
 +  * Relationship between food and landscape
 +  * Olmsted, Frederick Law  - landscape architecture (19th ct), Ian McHarg (1970s) - "Design with nature" (1967) (water ecological system of great complexity & ritual)
 +  * dutch way of making land - engineers, farmers, politicians, NOT landscape architects
 +Landscape Machines
 +  * complex systems including the landscape and technology - yes we intervene, but the ecosystem responds to it with more vividness
 +  * post doomsday landscapes
 +  * "Venice in the desert", icebergs cooling cities…
 +  * "beautiful landscapes, small scale, green  (garden) / "sublime landscapes" grand, red, giant, phatasmagoric… (landscape)
 +  * technology in a landscape - should be sublime - regeneration, over-access of power - energetic vision of landscapes (usually without human beings…)
 +  * ("any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from nature" schroeder)
 +  * fluctuating results, hidden technology, embodied experience - with "Fremdkörper" in the centre (the ecological body has to work harder to process) - in a constant dynamic environment - continuous adaptation
 +  * flexible/responsive morphology - designers introduce fremdkörper, the ecosystem responds - is this co-evolution or manipulation?
 +  * Karim van Wonderen + Sophia Molpheta "De Zeeuwse Tong Project" - "ont-poldering" - nature + agriculture - "saline landscapes", transition between sea and the land, more biodiversity + more fish yield
 +=== Spela Petric ===
 +Reified Nature / Natured Technology
 +in projects like  & Miserable Machines, Voyager 140 AU (2013) - metabolic algorithm in interaction with the environment; PSX consultancy 2014, sex toys for plants; Skotopoiesis (2015) confronting the vegetal otherness - how we comprehend the environment, biosemiosis; [[http://www.spelapetric.org/portfolio/naval-gazing/|Naval Gazing]]
 +Naval Gazing (is navel gazing)
 +  * test facility seaweed centre on Tessel
 +  * nutrients from the Rhine can sustain substantial primary production in the north sea - could it be converted in seaweed biomass? - growing brown seaweed in the winter - it can clean up the ocean, useful in cosmetics… in springtime other organisms would take over… a theory at this point
 +  * how to make a sea garden? a system where humans and nature co-exist
 +  * BUT: it isn’t easy to cultivate seaweed in the north sea… - the north sea is a very hostile environment…
 +  * Rachel Carson "The sea around us" (1951) - cybernetics and ecosystems - interconnectedness of things
 +  * Harvesting the sea - started in the romantic period
 +  * Knowing more about strange environments - also allows to exploit it better (for entertainment, extraction…)
 +  * Inspirations: Strandbeest (Theo Janssens) and others
 +  * Habiton - Man-made future habitat moved by the wind - it tumbles through the ocean and collects organisms/biomass, eventually it sinks to the bottom; human made object appropriated by nature 
 +Miserable Machines
 +  * Differences between technology and living organisms -
 +  * "Soot-o-mat" Mussel muscle - ultimate sacrifice of living tissue for the production of 'excess' - soot-o-mat
 +  * Hybridity is a slippery slope - sometimes things should be respected for what they are rather than being forced to 'hybridise'
 +=== Kenzo ===
 +Attention, movement of water and air in and around the body
 +=== Guszti Eiben ===
 +Evolving robotic ecosystems - nature inspired robotics/computer science (evolution as inspiration - influences language)
 +Takeaway messages
 +1. Artificial evolution is real, not an emulation of a 'real' evolution, just another form (Darwin evolution, Watson & Crick DNA, Turning & Von Neumann - creating evolution (computers) - programmers set the rules)
 +  * link between evolution (biology) & problem solving (engineering): individuals (in a biological framework), natural selection (choosing fitness), reproduction (digital sex)
 +  * evolutionary algorithm (evaluation-selection-variation loop) 
 +  * it can solve hard problems, cope with changes and deliver original solutions
 +  * Macroscopic view (after Dennett): if you have variation, heredity and selection you must get evolution. Variation - push towards novelty, selection - push towards quality
 +Historical context
 +  * (19-20 ct) Wetware (biosphere, we can observe what has happened in the past and present, in vivo)
 +  * (20-21 ct) Software (evolutionary computing, a generative concept, in silico)
 +  * (21ct) Hardware (evolution of things, in materio)
 +2. Robots can be evolved
 +  * not all humanoid, not all mechatronics (soft robotics)
 +  * evolution can create intelligence -> artificial evolution can create artificial intelligence
 +  * intelligence and embodiment: environment + body + mind -> behaviour (AI in 20ct. narrow view of only the mind - chess, in now body + mind (and hopefully also environment) - football
 +  * Genotypes (variation - mutation & crossover) & phenotypes (selection) - can be done in robotics too
 +  * behaviour can evolve in robot populations - we know how to evolve software brains, how to evolve physical bodies -> modules/cells or 3d printer (artificial womb)
 +    * ethical dimension - this can get out of hand… (e.g. radiation hazard, biohazard -> robohazard?) - do we need a "kill switch"; we probably don’t want distributed birthing robots, but a centralised birth clinic, with strict control…
 +  * challenge: simulations don’t scale up very well
 +  * Cambridge: mother robot that produces 'a child' consisting of active and passive parts, that can move on its own
 +  * application: breeding farm for service robots or pets, entertainment (robotic parcs…); robot colonies for terraforming or ultra deep mining
 +  * science: "cyclotron for evolution", understanding life, evolution of body & brain, robosphere
 +=== Ivan Henriques ===
 +[[http://ivanhenriques.com|Hybrid forms]]: JAP, PNBM, SM: wet & dry machines
 +  * interspecimen communication
 +  * environmental robotics
 +  * workshop on symbiotic systems, using Amstelpark as a medium, exploring the needs and opportunities of biorobotic systems (abiotic systems - solar, temp, wind, water + biotic systems (plants, animals, bacteria); creating systems to enter a dialogue with the environment - integrated interdependent systems
 +  * energy systems
 +=== Judith van der Elst ===
 +Forest bathing - digital technologies for the enhancement of sensory experience
 +  * understanding human spatial intelligence; mapping how native american indians relate to the landscape - our technological system tends to be too flat; flow, relationships, in-between spaces
 +  * embodied research - what would an embodied education look like, making use of ubiquitous computing related to landscape?
 +  * extending the bodies with digital technologies; how can they help us improve our senses? 
 +  * understanding processes in the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiosphere|semiosphere]]
 +  * exploration in Amstelpark + University of Urbino - birdsong (sonotopes) connected to scents of landscapes + how do smells and sounds interact
 +  * plants smell different when transplanted from their natural environment to a cultivated environment (e.g. a park) - exploring non human languages in the semiosphere (workshop in the spring)
 +=== Theun Karelse ===
 +Field robotics workshop
 +  * experimentation in landscapes: how do you connect to it, how do we explore it
 +  * make an experiment starting from that landscape to create a robotic entity
 +  * borrowed scenery: asian gardening technique - including the landscape that isn’t a part of the garden
 +  * first experiment in a small village in cornwall connected to five different landscapes - the landscapes change quite quickly (industrial, forest, coast)
 +  * how can you connect mind+body+environment - how would the robotic species develop in different environments
 +  * the goal is to have an exercise in designing environmental robots with the objective to understand how technology can be more subtle towards our landscapes - creativity?
 +  * borrowed landscape - also an english invention - landscape outside separated by a fence, so the wild animals cannot enter; a robotic creature - should do something else respond to a range of different environments
 +  * how do the machines/robots perceive/experience the different landscapes?
 +  * begin with observing and mapping (on cards) - what you see (treetops, soil, sky…), actions (migrating, decomposing…), textures (crunchy, sticky, slimy, fluffy)
 +  * how does the robot live in this system, how does it interact and die?
 +  * beyond functionality and utilitarianism; starting point: it has no purpose; the systems exist for their own purpose -> to exist for some time, it’s a stakeholder in the environment, so it wants the environment to keep existing.
 +  * defined capabilities - the cards could be a way to explore capabilities of the hypothetic machines; SICS experiment in expression of emotion through facial recognition with masks on people’s faces to understand what the computer might see; try to have the participants explore the environment with limitations and capabilities of hypothetic machines
 +  * how could the humans explore the environment the way a limited machine/robot might do it? e.g. immersion, distractions, bodily/sensory constraints - even before the robot exists, you try to experience what it might be like for that being to exist
 +  * What would the creatures respond to their habitat? What would they feed on? Where would they exist (in the earth, in the sky…)
 +  * Beyond mimicry of existing biological movement - different set of responses (heat, humidity…) - what kind of patterns would the robots make? 
 +  * What vulnerabilities could they have? Can robots be suicidal? Can you have survival without purpose? What is survival from the POV of the robot - self-preservation, learning from the environment, dissolution into the environment? Is there reproduction?
 +  * The experiment should include the robot AND the habitat - and how they might change through their interactions?
 +  * How does the robot learn (procedures)? (design question) How can you make a system which is autonomous for as long as possible?
 +  * Longer timeframes (Gerrit van Bakel - machines that slowly walk in the landscape), something happens once in 20 years, or so fast/ so slowly that it isn’t humanly perceptible. making links to things that technologies aren’t usually designed to do
 +  * The imaginary dimension - people will make stories about it, at which point can you say whether it works or not?
 +  * How will the robot have/experience a sense of agency and meaning?
 +  * Machines that are sensitive and sensible
 +  * How are the humans involved, if at all? How do the robots affect or interact with them?
 +  * Define what you mean by co-habitation, participation, interaction…
 +  * Can the robot help to overcome deficiencies in the landscape? How does it contribute to the landscape?
 +  * How to avoid negative effects? Watch out not to introduce an invasive species which puts too much strain into the habitat?
 +  * It must be pinpointed and defined what the goal is. The question is to rephrase the role of robotics as part of a much larger discussion of the role of humans and technologies in the landscape. Very important to make this clear before starting to work. 
 +  * You could make machines that can sense one thing and do one thing, then experiment. 
 +  * You might have a community of small robots that behave like one organism, instead of one big one; the simpler the robot individuals, the easier it might be to adapt to the environment
 +  * How can the robots become a part of a larger living landscape? A whole range of processes happen - cultural, cultivated, wild, industrial, rural, tidal, cyclical… but everything is also always a part of a larger whole
 +  * How do you treat the whole landscape as a robotic entity?
 +  * Do you want to intervene in the entropy that is a part of that landscape or do you want to intervene and change it?
 +  * What kinds of questions do we ask in the design process of an artificial organism that would co-exist in a landscape… a design science that starts from something that is as complex and changing as an ecological habitat? What is that process like? What the robot actually ends up doing is secondary
 +  * connecting with other intelligencies in the landscape; collect information from plants, animals, pollution, air… (analogy of 'smart cities' that collect information from humans); how might plants and animals react to pollution, for example? 
 +  * the landscape might need technology so that humans might be more aware; to find out what has been hidden from our view (long timeframes, different layers and rhythms)
 +  * look at ritual behaviour across different species
 +  * how distinct do you want the robots to be from the environment? what do you want to find out from the environment? how will you introduce it into the environment? 
 +  * robots to redevelop landscapes after disasters? terraforming
 +  * it isn’t so obvious to understand what is missing from our landscapes (e.g. missing elephants in EU forests; indigenous farming in America - to Europeans it looked like wilderness)
 +  * First: find out how you as a person connect with a landscape; feeling the sweat and pain of the landscape (observe, then interact)
  • machine_wilderness_symposium.txt
  • Last modified: 2020-07-20 15:53
  • by theunkarelse