(an experiment from the March workshop)

Hypothesis / Challenge

Changing perceptions of marine conservation.
Notes: https://www.flickr.com/photos/foam/16831952875/

Experiment design

Experiment 3 to change perceptions of marine conservation (NGOs)
See also: charm offensive experiment and gone fishing in the Thames experiment

Experiment description: Create a scenario and trade-off analysis related to health costs. Finding a way to speak the language of policy makers by focusing on costs that are important to them, such as health costs. A cost/benefit analysis is needed.

experiment - gone fishing (et al.)

full size image


  • explore ways of presenting a counter-factual case study in terms of decreased health costs
  • collaboration between economics and marine conservation
  • research what could be [sourced?] up in a credible way
  • Good facilitators
  • Research time
  • Economic expertise
  • Community opinion leaders
  • party/event organiser
  • Nic: FF’s experience at engaging communities/fishers; inputs to workshop; connections and networks of others working on the issue; possibility of peer exchange
  • Giles: Facilitation
  • MVL: Access to scientific experts if useful; case study feeding [xxxx] (Bloomberg)
  • Sue: developing, monitoring and evaluation tools to measure impact; time and research
  • Aniol: paella, economics [xxxx] connector [person?]
  • Andrew F: health benefits of Natura 2000
  • Andrew B.: Party, Valuing nature/health
  • Louisa: venue, info blue week, with [xxx], share experiences of [xxx]
  • Amy: taking the lead on 'gone fishing’; time, ideas, contacts for day out; time or sounding board for cultural



  • marine_colab/valuing_what_matters_experiment.txt
  • Last modified: 2015-04-27 15:35
  • by nik
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