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A term coined by Lynne Kelley. Ways of encoding environmental, ethological and cultural knowledge directly into the environment (or objects)

Notes an a student program run by Theun.

Session1 Fieldwork
  • Intro fieldwork practice
  • Assignment: what place would you like to explore, how would you do it?
  • Assignment 4th year: How do you share that exploration with others?
Session2 What lives here now.
  • Intro Nederlands landscape.
  • Set up whatsapp (or otherwise)
  • Assignment: find a creature that interests you, how would you design a way to communicatie with it? Give it a name that is based on how you communicate with it.
Session3 Moth Snowstorm, what used to live here?
  • Intro Moth Snowstorm, life at full volume. Shifting baselines. Montbiot animation.
  • Assignment: What lived in your area before? What do you think is missing now? What qualities are missing?
  • (image of Amsterdam as swamp)
Session4 Regeneration
  • Regenerative practices
  • What would your area need? How do you create habitat?
  • Assignment: what natural cycles are missing, disrupted? How to reconnect. (Any size, tiny ant tunnel)
  • Assignment 4th year: How can local people become active participants in that reconnection?
Session5 Rewilding
  • What would your area need? Which organisms can regenerate it?
  • (Coral, trees, wolves they all create opportunities for biodiversity to boom)
  • Assignment: find three spots in your area where you see potential for rewilding.
Session6 Team work
  • Based on previous lesson, work in groups on one organism. Who are the experts?
  • assignment: Design a research team: what kinds of expertise are needed? (What is in it for them?)
  • assignment 4th year: Design a research week. Location. Team. Question.
  • (Don’t design the team sitting in your classroom. Do it on location!)
Session7 Animals as guides
  • What qualities do animals need to thrive? (Elephants memory, bioindicators, animals/plants as messengers)
  • Ecologist can see this area needs… wolves. (Trophic cascades)
  • Assignment: (I give 5 animals and plants) in groups: what are the qualities of those animals?
  • Assignment after class: translate those qualities into a human being a character.
  • (In what ways does that help to think about the role of animals, in what ways does it hinder?)
  • Qualities of animals and plants in the long now.
  • Australia and aboriginals. Tending the wild.
  • Assignment: memory walk
  • Memory walk field test together.
  • Assignment: design a multi generational knowledge system. How can our understanding and experience of the environment be shared across time?
  • (Floppy disc vs. songline)
  • Discuss the multigenerational knowledge systems.
  • memory_code.1606552798.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020-11-28 08:39
  • by theunkarelse