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michka [2019-08-31 18:09] – old revision restored (2014/12/10 16:47) majamichka [2020-01-11 18:59] michka
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-I am currently benefiting from the [[http://fo.am/macrotransiencies/|Transiency Program]] offered by FoAM. The Transiency program is designed to help creative people perform a transition in their personal and/or professional life.+This part of the libarynth was first created as a place to document part of my [[michka:transiency-main-page|transiency]] research in 2013-2014.
-[[michka:why_transiency|Why a MacroTransiency at 25 years old ?]] +More recently, I used it to
- +   document the project we performed with Paul Granjon on [[michka:microbial_fuel_cells|microbial-fuel-cell-powered robotics]]. 
-===Quick Jumps=== +   document the two art-science workshops I lead at the Ecole Supérieure d'Arts d'Epinal (ESAL) on [[michka:phenomenes:phenomenes]] and [[michka:sable|sand]]. 
-   Lifestyle Re-Design +   list resources on [[michka:alternative-engineering|alternative engineering]], initially for students from the "Humanities and technology" bachelor in Université Technologique de Compiègne (UTC)
-     * [[/:future_fabulators/transiency_scenarios|Transiency Scenarios]] +   other partially structured information, such as few original ways to manage [[michka:subsistence|subsistence]].
-     [[michka:know-hows|Know-Hows]] +
-       * [[michka:know-hows:bioproductive_balcony|Bioproductive balcony]] +
-       * [[michka:know-hows:urban_foraging|Urban Foraging]] +
-     * [[michka:daily_schedule_scheme|Daily Scheduling Scheme]] +
-   Research +
-     * [[michka:research:supercapacitors|Upcycled Home-Made Supercapacitors]] +
-     [[michka:research:cooked_materials|Cooked Materials]] +
-     [[michka:research:microbial_fuel_cells|Microbial Fuel Cells]] +
-     * [[michka:research:printer_dynamo|Printer Dynamo]] +
-     * [[michka:research:kombucha_culture_waste|Kombucha Culture from Waste]] +
-     * [[michka:research:banana-peel-bioplastic|Banana Peel Bioplastic]] +
-     * [[michka:research:Peltier|DIY Thermoelectric Systems]] +
-     * [[https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=620343101426093&fref=nf|Stirling engine]] +
-   Personal Project Management +
-     [[michka:project_definition|Project Definition]] +
-     * [[michka:documentation_strategy|Documentation Strategy]] +
-   * Inspirations & External Connections +
-     * [[michka:reading_list|Reading List]] +
-     * [[michka:information_sources|(Alternative) Information Sources]]+
 +You can check the full list of pages of this namespace [[https://libarynth.org/?idx=michka|here]].
 +You can also register to my aperiodic newsletter [[https://us20.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=680472e676559bd625aae5902&id=77460e00a3|here]], or check [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/michka-m%C3%A9lo-16987743/|my LinkedIn profile]], [[https://www.facebook.com/michka.melo|Facebook profile]] or [[https://twitter.com/elaborateur|Twitter feed]].
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  • Last modified: 2023-03-27 20:57
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