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michka [2014-09-22 16:56] michkamichka [2023-03-27 20:57] (current)
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-===Quick Jumps=== +Here is a tentative [[michka:portfolio|portfolio]] of prior research projects, residencies, workshops, trainings and talks I have done, as well as publications I have written or appear in.
-   * Lifestyle Re-Design +
-     [[michka:know-hows|Know-Hows]] +
-       * [[michka:know-hows:bioproductive_balcony|Bioproductive balcony]] +
-       * [[michka:know-hows:urban_foraging|Urban Foraging]] +
-     * [[michka:daily_schedule_scheme|Daily Scheduling Scheme]] +
-   * Research +
-     * [[michka:research:supercapacitors|Upcycled Home-Made Supercapacitors]] +
-     * [[michka:research:cooked_materials|Cooked Materials]] +
-     * [[michka:research:microbial_fuel_cells|Microbial Fuel Cells]] +
-     * [[michka:research:printer_dynamo|Printer Dynamo]] +
-     * [[michka:research:banana-peel-bioplastic|Banana Peel Bioplastic]] +
-   * Personal Project Management +
-     * [[michka:project_definition|Project Definition]] +
-     * [[michka:documentation_strategy|Documentation Strategy]] +
-   * Inspirations & External Connections +
-     * [[michka:reading_list|Reading List]] +
-     * [[michka:information_sources|(Alternative) Information Sources]]+
-===Introduction===+I followed the invitation of Barbara Sher to create an [[michka:explorations|exploration report]], including open-ended and unachevied projects.
-I am currently benefiting from the [[http://fo.am/macrotransiencies/|Transiency Program]] offered by FoAM. The Transiency program is designed to help creative people perform a transition in their personal and/or professional life. As a 25-year-old, (almost) fresh out of the school, why would I like to already perform a transition ? There are actually some reasons.+Originally, this part of the libarynth was first created as a place to document part of my [[michka:transiency-main-page|transiency]] research in 2013-2014.
-have been involved in [[http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michka-mélo/43/877/169/|scientific/technical/engineering studies & work for seven years]]. Together with some moment of [[http://www.lapaillasse.org/news/1309/diy-bio-based-electronics-prime-a-la-maker-faire-rome|intense satisfaction]], I also noticed a scary underlying long-term imabalance I would like to adress. This imbalance seems to come mainly from an extreme proportion of indoors mind-centered theoretical tasks. I would like to spend more time outdoors. I would like to have my body exercised through my work. And finally, I would like to get my hands dirty and learn practical down-to-earth know-hows.+More recently, used it to: 
 +   * document the project we performed with [[http://zprod.org|Paul Granjon]] on [[michka:research:microbial_fuel_cells|microbial-fuel-cell-powered robotics]]. 
 +   * document the two art-science workshops I lead at the Ecole Supérieure d'Arts d'Epinal (ESAL) on [[michka:phenomenes|phenomenes]] and [[michka:sable|sand]]. 
 +   * list resources on [[michka:alternative-engineering|alternative engineering]], initially for students from the "Humanities and technology" bachelor in Université Technologique de Compiègne (UTC). 
 +   * other partially structured information : you can check the full list of pages of this namespace [[https://libarynth.org/?idx=michka|here]].
-I benefited from an excellent training in [[http://www.epfl.ch|a very pleasant engineering school]]. HoweverI notice that I do not know how to fulfill my basic needs otherwise than by buying stuffI don't know how to grow my own foodI don't know how to make or repair my own clothesI don't know how to take care of my health in a preventive way, for instance, by enliving my body as much as my thoughts+You can also join [[https://t.me/joinchat/4hYcxso5_QdiM2Jk|my Telegram channel]], register to my aperiodic [[https://us20.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=680472e676559bd625aae5902&id=77460e00a3|newsletter]], or check [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/michka-m%C3%A9lo-16987743/|my LinkedIn profile]], [[https://www.facebook.com/michka.melo|Facebook profile]] or [[https://twitter.com/elaborateur|Twitter feed]].
-This is for the personal level. +Project sparks that I have in mind these days, contributions welcome: 
- +   * [[michka:subsistence|Subsistence]]a tentative inventory of inspiring subsistence strategies used by those who want to live the good life, avoid working to make the powerful & wealthy more powerful & wealthier, and/or contribute to the commons in a non-monetizable way. 
-On the intepersonal levellive quite uncomfortably since I understood how every single action I was performing during the day was oppressing other people somewhere else.  +   [[michka:games-for-the-future|Games for the future]]tentative inventory of existing games playfully teaching essentials skills for a better life (with [[https://twitter.com/MikhaelPommier|Mikhael Pommier]])
- +   * [[michka:entrepreneuriat-libertaire|Entrepreneuriat libertaire]]reflections on a domination-free regenerative entrepreneurship. 
-Turning the heat on means extracting more oilwhile global warming kills more and more people through Tropical storms, or while [[http://www.bastamag.net/Gaz-de-schiste-sur-les-barricades|Romanian are beaten up and put into jail as they try to defend their homeland from well drilling oil companies]].  +   [[michka:Transition Compass]], a tentative to better understand what roadblocks limit ecologically/socially-driven people to use their full potential to respond to the current disaster we are living. 
- +   * How do we measure well-being/quality of life/happiness/meaningfuless felt by a population/society: [[michka:alternatives PIB|Alternatives to GDP]] 
-Buying computer means [[http://www.bastamag.net/Quand-Apple-ou-Nokia-ne-savent-pas|destroying essential ecosystems and polluting heavily groundwaters local populations are drinking]]. Is it possible, nowadays, to have a decent life without severely harming anyone ?  +   * [[michka:lausanne_alternative]], a draft list of Lausanne-based alternative orgs
- +   * [[michka:loup]], a list of reference addressing the controversy of wolves attacking sheep and other cattle in specific areas. 
-I guess self-sufficiencyand [[http://www.tedresearch.net/teds-ten/|designing to reduce the need to consume are part of the answer]]. Which happily connects with the personal level desire for more outdoors body-involving practical activities. Perfect.  +   * [[michka:technojustesse|Technojustesse]], a draft program on technocriticism 101 for engineers, also sharing meaningful tech-related initiatives
- +   * [[michka:21engineers|Practical guide for XXIst century engineers]] 
-Let's get started ! +   * [[michka:victorystories|Victory Stories]], spreading stories of how social movements won. 
- +   * Le qui-est-ce de l'ingénierie alternativeou des personnages des luttes sociales ?
-//[[http://fo.am/macrotransiency-michka-melo/|Here are]] some more insights on my motivations and objectives within this program.// +
- +
-===Lifestyle Re-Design=== +
- +
-You may have understood it through the introductionI basically +
  • michka.1411404984.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014-09-22 16:56
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