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workshop leaders: Adam Hyde (Radioqualia), Maja Kuzmanovic (FoAM)

Open Sauces deals with two basic requirements for the survival of every media artist: understanding scientific principles behind new technologies and eating food. Intricate scientific and technological concepts will be unravelled through the language of food, secret recipes uncovered in kitchen-style experiments (such as Cube Cola:, discarded technologies used as kitchen implements, new media drenched in steaming saucepans.

Although coding and cooking seem to propagate two completely different lifestyles (the first being concerned with digital bits, the other with physical atoms), Open Sauces will uncover their common roots; continual algoritmic processing of ingredients, fused together in a whole that becomes more than just the mere sum of its parts. Both activities benefit greatly from the sharing of expertise and experiences with peers around the globe. Both activities have large, rich industries behind them, often trying to monopolise the supply of code, recipes and ingredients, creating an illusion of scarcity for both programming and nourishment. Open Sauces takes an alternative route, based on an economy of abundance and cooperation, releasing the 'sauce code' far and wide. Cooks and coders of the world unite!

Related Topics: Molecular Gastronomy, Copyleft, Foam Food, Project FoamFood

  • open_sauces/open_sauces_2008.1181728049.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2007-06-13 09:47
  • by nik