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parn:zizim [2013-04-24 09:59] nikparn:zizim [2013-04-24 13:56] nik
Line 1: Line 1:
-<html> +=====Zizim=====
- <script type="text/javascript"> +
- var google_api_key ''; +
- document.writeln('<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;sensor=false&amp;key='+(self.google_api_key?google_api_key:'')+'" type="text/javascript"><'+'/'+'script>'); +
- </script> +
-  +
- <!-- +
- If you want to transplant this map into another Web page, by far the best method is to +
- simply include it in a IFRAME tag (see http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/faq.html#google_html). +
- But, if you must paste the code into another page, be sure to include all of these parts: +
-    1. The DOCTYPE declaration and the extra attributes in the "html" tag (xmlns:v=...) +
-      that allow Internet Explorer for Windows to render polylines (tracks) +
-    2. The "div" tags that contain the map and its widgets (below this comment) +
-    3. Three sections of JavaScript code: +
-       a. The maps.google.com code (above this comment) +
-       b. "gv_options" and the code that calls "functions.js" on maps.gpsvisualizer.com +
-       c. The "GV_Map" function, which contains all the geographic info for the map +
- --> +
- <div style="margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;"> +
- <div id="gmap_div" style="width:700px; height:350px; margin:0px; margin-right:12px; background-color:#F0F0F0; float:left; overflow:hidden;"> +
- <p align="center" style="font:10px Arial;">This map was created using <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/">GPS Visualizer</a>'s do-it-yourself geographic utilities.<br /><br />Please wait while the map data loads...</p> +
- </div> +
-  +
- <div id="gv_legend_container" style="display:none;"><table id="gv_legend_table" style="position:relative; filter:alpha(opacity=95); -moz-opacity:0.95; opacity:0.95; background:#ffffff;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td><div id="gv_legend_handle" align="center" style="height:6px; max-height:6px; background:#CCCCCC; border-left:1px solid #999999; border-top:1px solid #EEEEEE; border-right:1px solid #999999; padding:0px; cursor:move;"><!-- --></div> +
- <div id="gv_legend" align="left" style="line-height:13px; border:solid #000000 1px; background:#FFFFFF; padding:4px;max-width:400px; font:11px Arial; "> +
- <!-- Although GPS Visualizer didn't create a legend with your map, you can use this box for something else if you'd like; enable it by setting gv_options.legend_options.legend to true --> +
- </div> +
- </td></tr></table></div>+
 +Zizim is a field guide to remarkable plants and gardens. A valuable tool for a patabotanical field worker, it allows you to assemble and explore a growing collection of urban plants amenable to live with humans and gardens where people cultivate, contemplate, exchange and eat plants.
 +Please peruse this field guide in your neighbourhood and further afield. Your contributions will be of utmost value to observation and experience of human-plant interactions in the city.
- <!-- the following is the "floating" marker list; the "static" version is below --> +You can report your find and affix your field-note on these pages, or using our mobile notebook for Android based tracking devices.
- <div id="gv_marker_list_container" style="display:none;"><table id="gv_marker_list_table" style="position:relative; filter:alpha(opacity=95); -moz-opacity:0.95; opacity:0.95;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td> +
- <div id="gv_marker_list_handle" align="center" style="height:6px; max-height:6px; background:#CCCCCC; border-left:1px solid #999999; border-top:1px solid #EEEEEE; border-right:1px solid #999999; padding:0px; cursor:move;"><!-- --></div> +
- <div id="gv_marker_list" align="left" class="gv_marker_list" style="overflow:auto; background:#FFFFFF; border:solid #666666 1px; padding:4px;"></div> +
- </td></tr></table></div> +
-  +
- <div id="gv_marker_list_static" align="left" class="gv_marker_list" style="width:160px; overflow:auto; float:left; display:none;"></div> +
- <div id="gv_clear_margins" style="height:0px; clear:both;"><!-- clear the "float" --></div> +
- </div>+
-  +We also need your help nurturing these plants in the world of [[Aniziz]].
- <!-- begin GPS Visualizer setup script (must come after maps.google.com code) --> +
- <script type="text/javascript"> +
- /* Global variables used by the GPS Visualizer functions (1366797143): */ +
- gv_options = []; +
- // important variable names: +
- gv_options.map_div = 'gmap_div';  // the name of the HTML "div" tag containing the map itself; usually 'gmap_div' +
-  +
- // basic map parameters: +
- gv_options.width = 700;  // width of the map, in pixels +
- gv_options.height = 350;  // height of the map, in pixels +
- gv_options.full_screen = true;  // true|false: should the map fill the entire page (or frame)? +
- gv_options.center = [49.281099,6.9742505];  // [latitude,longitude] - be sure to keep the square brackets +
- gv_options.zoom = 5;  // higher number means closer view; can also be 'auto' +
- gv_options.map_opacity = 1;  // number from 0 to 1 +
- gv_options.map_type = 'G_HYBRID_MAP';  // popular map_type choices are 'GV_STREET', 'GV_SATELLITE', 'GV_HYBRID', 'GV_TERRAIN', 'GV_TOPO_US', 'GV_TOPO_WORLD', 'GV_OSM' +
- gv_options.doubleclick_zoom = true;  // true|false: zoom in when mouse is double-clicked? +
- gv_options.mousewheel_zoom = false; // true|false; or 'reverse' for down=in and up=out +
- gv_options.centering_options = { 'open_info_window':true, 'partial_match':true, 'center_key':'center', 'default_zoom':null } // URL-based centering (e.g., ?center=name_of_marker&zoom=14) +
-  +
- // widgets on the map: +
- gv_options.zoom_control = 'large'; // 'large'|'small'|'3d'|'none' +
- gv_options.scale_control = true; // true|false +
- gv_options.center_coordinates = true;  // true|false: show a "center coordinates" box and crosshair? +
- gv_options.mouse_coordinates = false;  // true|false: show a "mouse coordinates" box? +
- gv_options.crosshair_hidden = true;  // true|false: hide the crosshair initially? +
- gv_options.map_opacity_control = true;  // true|false +
- gv_options.map_type_control = [];  // widget to change the background map +
-   gv_options.map_type_control.style = 'menu';  // 'menu'|'list'|'none'|'google' +
-   gv_options.map_type_control.filter = true;  // true|false: when map loads, are irrelevant maps ignored? +
-   gv_options.map_type_control.excluded = ['G_SATELLITE_3D_MAP'];  // comma-separated list of map types that will never show in the list ('included' also works) +
- gv_options.legend_options = []; // options for a floating legend box (id="gv_legend"), which can contain anything +
-   gv_options.legend_options.legend = true;  // true|false: enable or disable the legend altogether +
-   gv_options.legend_options.position = ['G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT',70,6];  // [Google anchor name, relative x, relative y] +
-   gv_options.legend_options.draggable = true;  // true|false: can it be moved around the screen? +
-   gv_options.legend_options.collapsible = true;  // true|false: can it be collapsed by double-clicking its top bar? +
- gv_options.measurement_tools = { visible:false, distance_color:'', area_color:'', position:[] };+
 +**About Us**
- // marker-related options: +We are group of patabotanists attempting to reinvigorate human-plant interactionWe come from place where humans are accustomed to communication with the ‘planetary Other’including our close neighbours from the domain of eukarya plants and fungi. Some time agowe discovered that we share portions of your digital networkswhere we found something unbelievablewe were bamboozled by the lack of reciprocal understanding and non-communication between humans and plantsespecially considering current environmental and cultural degradationHencein August 2012 we embarked on a quest (code name Jiejingaka Borrowed Scenery) to attempt to reestablish pathways between Earth-bound sentiencesTo begin withwe plan to observecollect and experiment with interactions between humans and plants in a dense urban environmentWe chose place that is large enough to include diversity of habitatswhile small enough for us to be able to do all our fieldwork on foot (as we are not accustomed to riding or driving machines).
- gv_options.default_marker = { color:'red',icon:'googlemini' }; // icon can be URL, but be sure to also include size:[w,h] and optionally anchor:[x,y] +
- gv_options.marker_tooltips = true; // do the names of the markers show up when you mouse-over them? +
- gv_options.marker_shadows = true; // true|false: do the standard markers have "shadows" behind them? +
- gv_options.marker_link_target = '_blank'; // the name of the window or frame into which markers' URLs will load +
- gv_options.info_window_width = 0;  // in pixels, the width of the markers' pop-up info "bubbles" (can be overridden by 'window_width' in individual markers) +
- gv_options.thumbnail_width = 0;  // in pixels, the width of the markers' thumbnails (can be overridden by 'thumbnail_width' in individual markers) +
- gv_options.photo_size = [0,0];  // in pixels, the size of the photos in info windows (can be overridden by 'photo_width' or 'photo_size' in individual markers) +
- gv_options.hide_labels = false;  // true|false: hide labels when map first loads? +
- gv_options.label_offset = [0,0];  // [x,y]: shift all markers' labels (positive numbers are right and down) +
- gv_options.label_centered = false;  // true|false: center labels with respect to their markers?  (label_left is also a valid option.) +
- gv_options.driving_directions = false;  // put a small "driving directions" form in each marker's pop-up window? (override with dd:true or dd:false in a marker's options) +
- gv_options.garmin_icon_set = 'gpsmap'; // 'gpsmap' are the small 16x16 icons; change it to '24x24' for larger icons +
- gv_options.marker_list_options = [];  // options for dynamically-created list of markers +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.list = false;  // true|false: enable or disable the marker list altogether +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.floating = true;  // is the list a floating box inside the map itself? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.id_static = 'gv_marker_list_static';  // id of a DIV that holds a non-floating list +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.id_floating = 'gv_marker_list';  // id of a DIV tag that holds a floating list (other associated DIVs -- _handle, _table, _container -- must be similarly named) +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.width = 160;  // floating list only: width, in pixels +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.height = 246;  // floating list only: height, in pixels +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.position = ['G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT',6,38];  // floating list only: position within map +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.draggable = true;  // true|false, floating list only: can it be moved around the screen? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.collapsible = true;  // true|false, floating list only: can it be collapsed by double-clicking its top bar? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.include_tickmarks = false;  // true|false: are distance/time tickmarks included in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.include_trackpoints = false;  // true|false: are "trackpoint" markers included in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.dividers = false;  // true|false: will a thin line be drawn between each item in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.desc = false;  // true|false: will the markers' descriptions be shown below their names in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.icons = true;  // true|false: should the markers' icons appear to the left of their names in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.thumbnails = false;  // true|false: should markers' thumbnails be shown in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.folders_collapsed = false;  // true|false: do folders in the list start out in a collapsed state? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.count_folder_items = false;  // true|false: list the number of items in each folder? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.wrap_names = true;  // true|false: should marker's names be allowed to wrap onto more than one line? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.unnamed = '[unnamed]';  // what 'name' should be assigned to  unnamed markers in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.colors = false;  // true|false: should the names/descs of the points in the list be colorized the same as their markers? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.default_color = '';  // default HTML color code for the names/descs in the list +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.limit = 0;  // how many markers to show in the list; 0 for no limit +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.center = false;  // true|false: does the map center upon a marker when you click its name in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.zoom = false;  // true|false: does the map zoom to a certain level when you click on a marker's name in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.zoom_level = 12;  // if 'zoom' is truewhat level should the map zoom to? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.info_window = true;  // true|false: do info windows pop up when the markers' names are clicked in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.url_links = false;  // true|false: do the names in the list become instant links to the markers' URLs? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.toggle = false;  // true|false: does a marker disappear if you click on its name in the list? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.help_tooltips = false;  // true|false: do "tooltips" appear on marker names that tell you what happens when you click? +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.header = ''; // HTML code; be sure to put backslashes in front of any single quotes, and don't include any line breaks +
-   gv_options.marker_list_options.footer = ''; // HTML code; be sure to put backslashes in front of any single quotes, and don't include any line breaks +
- gv_options.marker_filter_options = [];  // options for removing waypoints that are out of the current view +
-   gv_options.marker_filter_options.filter = false;  // true|false: should out-of-range markers be removed? +
-   gv_options.marker_filter_options.movement_threshold = 8;  // in pixels, how far the map has to move to trigger filtering +
-   gv_options.marker_filter_options.limit = 0;  // maximum number of markers to display on the map; 0 for no limit +
-   gv_options.marker_filter_options.update_list = true;  // true|false: should the marker list be updated with only the filtered markers? +
-   gv_options.marker_filter_options.sort_list_by_distance = false;  // true|false: should the marker list be sorted by distance from the center of the map? +
-   gv_options.marker_filter_options.min_zoom = 0;  // below this zoom level, don't show any markers at all +
-   gv_options.marker_filter_options.zoom_message = '';  // message to put in the marker list if the map is below the min_zoom threshold +
-  +
-  +
- // Load GPS Visualizer's Google Maps functions (this must be loaded AFTER gv_options are set): +
- document.writeln('<script src="http://maps.gpsvisualizer.com/google_maps/functions.js" type="text/javascript"><'+'/'+'script>'); +
- </script> +
-  +
- <style type="text/css"> +
- /* Put any custom style definitions here (e.g., .gv_marker_info_window, .gv_marker_info_window_name, .gv_marker_list_item, .gv_tooltip, .gv_label, etc.) */ +
- .gv_label { +
- filter:alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity:0.8; opacity:0.8; +
- background:#333333; border:1px solid black; padding:1px; +
- font:9px Verdana,sans-serif; color:white; font-weight:normal; +
-  +
- </style> +
-  +
- <!-- end GPSV setup script and styles; begin map-drawing script (they must be separate) --> +
- <script type="text/javascript"> +
- function GV_Map() { +
- if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {  +
- if (gv_options.full_screen) { GV_Fill_Window_With_Map(gv_options.map_div);+
- gmap = new GMap2(document.getElementById(gv_options.map_div)); // create map +
- GV_Setup_Map(gv_options); +
-  +
-  +
-  +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0626520,lon:3.7814860,name:'CSA Wijveld',desc:'Community Supported Agriculture. Members pay a fee each year for the farmer to provide a broad diversity of vegetables. Each week members can harvest their food at the farm.',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1721850,lon:-5.1054390,name:'Foo',desc:'Home,Gggg,patagarden',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:47.4758720,lon:19.0539400,name:'no description',desc:'Not Specified,no description,"fungi (plant symbiont)',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0626520,lon:3.7814860,name:'CSA Wijveld',desc:'"Kwadenplasstraat, Destelbergen","Community Supported Agriculture. Members pay a fee each year for the farmer to provide a broad diversity of vegetables. Each week members can harvest their food at the farm.',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0713360,lon:3.7483980,name:'Volkstuinen Sloterkouter',desc:'"Hogeweg 9040, Sint-Amandsberg","Garden allotment. Sara Standaert is one of the residents.',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0476000,lon:3.7276700,name:'Vooruit',desc:'Vooruit,"Home of Green Track and Food for Thought initiatives.',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0863260,lon:3.7285710,name:'Rocsa',desc:'"Loods 21, Muide","A socio-artistic organisation, connecting art, culture and the environment in their latest project in Muide',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0609800,lon:3.7386130,name:'GROEnTEN uit GENT',desc:'"DOK, Gent","Growing food and helping to build community',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'luminescent portal',desc:'Not Specified,luminescent portal,fungi (plant symbiont), pataportal',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1676670,lon:-5.0975910,name:'no description',desc:'Not Specified,no description,"uncategorised, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1676670,lon:-5.0975910,name:'wormhole',desc:'Not Specified,wormhole,"pataportal, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'library plant',desc:'Not Specified,library plant,"uncategorised, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'administrative centrum<br>tree out of sculpture"',desc:'Administrative centrum tree out of sculpture',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'green growth on the tree',desc:'Not Specified,green growth on the tree,"uncategorised, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'tree naast munkkaai',desc:'Not Specified,tree naast munkkaai,"uncategorised, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0393200,lon:3.7201430,name:'yew, taxol berries"',desc:'Not Specified,"yew, taxol berries","canopy tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'citadel park',desc:'Not Specified,citadel park,"contemplative parks, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0402340,lon:3.7208890,name:'Fairy Stump',desc:'Citadelpark. Fairies sit on these fungi platforms to watch plant performances that unfold over periods of months and years in the amphitheatre. Because fairies are renowned for their impatience, they only watch few minutes of these performances before becoming bored. fungi (plant symbiont)',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0399640,lon:3.7203740,name:'Forgotten Amphitheatre of the Fungi',desc:'Citadelpark. Amphitheatre of fungal performances. There was a bioluminescent fungi spectacular here last night. Glowing traces can be seen at night.patagarden',color:'',icon:''})+
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0376160,lon:3.7187000,name:'Strange sanctuary',desc:'Citadelpark,A strange portal area for contemplation.pataportal',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0393700,lon:3.7191300,name:'Entreport',desc:'Citadelpark,An entry pataportal to the Citadelpark. Walk up this path backwards during the Sturgeon moon while treading on Zinloschuz and you will find your way to the Fairy Amphitheatre.. patagarden',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0400450,lon:3.7132500,name:'Beautiful yellow rose',desc:'Unworld,I forgot where it was.. pataplant',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0382100,lon:3.7142370,name:'Secret garden',desc:'D&#233;sir&#233; van Monckhovenstraat,Garden between some apartments.. patagarden',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0355650,lon:3.7223050,name:'Dream berries',desc:'Botanic Gardens,These bright red berries (not to be confused with those of the Drenjina plant) are conducive to dreams of vegetable machines.. pataplant',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0356730,lon:3.7221340,name:'Dwarven greenhouse',desc:'Botanic Gardens,"A secret clan of dwarves, banished from the fantasy novel in which they were created, have taken up residence here. They are not yet on good terms with the resident plants.","patagarden, literary gardens (bookshops, libraries), "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0359430,lon:3.7237220,name:'Patabotanical portal',desc:'Botanic gardens,Odd location. Where does it go?,"pataportal, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0353760,lon:3.7236790,name:'Luminous fungi',desc:'Greenhouse,Luminous fungi growing in the greenhouse.. pataplant',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'random abandoned lot with weeds',desc:'Not Specified,random abandoned lot with weeds,"contemplative parks, patagarden, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0367530,lon:3.7323900,name:'Birch',desc:'Not Specified,Tree.,"canopy tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0357270,lon:3.7326910,name:'Rotting peer garden with seat',desc:'Not Specified,Overlooks the confluence of canals.,"contemplative parks, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0449020,lon:3.7238500,name:'Boat plants',desc:'Kuiperskaai,Boat plants.. patagarden',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0464660,lon:3.7289570,name:'Secret bat boat garden',desc:'Not Specified,Underneath the restaurant.. patagarden',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0413400,lon:3.7292580,name:'Bridge-building pataplant',desc:'Kantienberg,"It builds bridges, perhaps between wormholes." pataplant',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0461710,lon:3.7284810,name:'river garden',desc:'Not Specified,river garden. patagarden',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0461710,lon:3.7284810,name:'Fungi-sprouting chimney',desc:'Het UFO,This odd chimney sprouts fungi instead of smoke at certain times of the year.,"uncategorised, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0461710,lon:3.7284810,name:'Miraculous invisible cabbage',desc:'De Brug,May have fled from nearby patabotanical eatery.. pataplant',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0472220,lon:3.7289140,name:'Water plant',desc:'Muinkkai,It hovered over the water of the canal but disappeared before I could identify the species. pataplant',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7284281,name:'sljez',desc:'Not Specified,sljez,"uncategorised, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7284149,name:'glowing baubles of autumnal florescence',desc:'Not Specified,glowing baubles of autumnal florescence,"uncategorised, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0440380,lon:3.7156530,name:'Zinloschuz',desc:'Godshuizenlaan,I trod on creeper of Zinloschuz. A witch arose to carry me through the night.,"uncategorised, pataplant, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0519700,lon:3.7404160,name:'Zirunzibuz',desc:'Kasteellaanstraat,Remarkable Zirunzibuz specimen. Would make lovely jam. Golden with a sweet aroma. Strange location to find this amazing plant.',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0383990,lon:3.7200310,name:'Zizria',desc:'Citadelpark,Strange mutation of Zizria. Red and pink with striated stalks. Maybe transmutable to liquid melodies…',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7205772,name:'Underwater garginz',desc:'Not Specified,"A wondrous kelp garginz, adorned with translucent bubbles of oxygen. I borrowed two specimen...","uncategorised, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7262506,name:'offline test 2',desc:'Not Specified,offline test 2',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0478010,lon:3.7279280,name:'observant flowers',desc:'Not Specified,My young student discovered a small garden of observant flowers. We spent an afternoon in mutual observation. An instance of delightful time unbinding.,"uncategorised, patagarden, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0362260,lon:3.7169970,name:'Wild strawberry',desc:'park,Wild strawberry plant and home to a small rat.,"soil cover, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0504330,lon:3.7282010,name:'Beuk, Hazelaar"',desc:'city,"Een beuk en een hazelaar. De beuk is een stevig ingeburgerde en talrijk aangeplante boom in de westerse cultuurlandschappen. Paarden zijn zeer gevoelig aan fagine, de toxines die vooral in de beukennoten zijn opgeslagen.<br>De hazelaar is een in West-Europa autochtone heester uit de berkenfamilie. De vrucht van de hazelaar is de hazelnoot, waarvan de kern eetbaar is.","shrub, canopy tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0249720,lon:3.7251810,name:'Cabbage',desc:'in ziekenhuis??,A wild or feral cabbage plant.,"herbaceous, "',color:'',icon:''})+
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0409260,lon:3.7214260,name:'Tamme Kastanje',desc:'park,"Tamme Kastanjeboom. In Nederland en Belgi&#235; komt de boom verwilderd voor en verder op oude landgoederen. Hij is hier ingevoerd door de Romeinen, die erg gesteld waren op de vruchten. De zaden (kastanjes) kunnen, nadat de stekelige bolster is verwijderd, worden geroosterd (of gekookt) en gegeten.","canopy tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0422570,lon:3.7290860,name:'Vijgenboom',desc:'canal,"Eeen enorme vijgenboom! De boom komt van nature voor in Westelijk Azi&#235;. Al in de oudheid werd de soort gekweekt. Aangeplant wordt de boom om de eetbare vruchten, de vijgen, gehouden.","dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0454060,lon:3.7288000,name:'Wilg',desc:'canal,"Wilgen zijn pioniersplanten, die langs rivieren met name ontkiemen in ooibossen op de grens van land en water. Doordat de wortels de grond luchtig maken en door de humusvorming van blad en takafval wordt de grond geschikt voor soorten die volgen als es, eik.","dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0471090,lon:3.7291830,name:'herbaceous',desc:'city,Dovenetel,"herbaceous"',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0465310,lon:3.7289390,name:'dwarf tree',desc:'city,Vlier,"dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0491990,lon:3.7298830,name:'soil cover',desc:'in de kant,Braam,"soil cover, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0491280,lon:3.7297800,name:'canopy tree',desc:'street,Linde,"canopy tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0518800,lon:3.7245500,name:'rhizome',desc:'really,aardappelen,"rhizome, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0518570,lon:3.7456810,name:'herbaceous, dwarf tree"',desc:'street,"krentenboompje,lavendel,vrouwenmantel","herbaceous, dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0494810,lon:3.7282190,name:'dwarf tree',desc:'edge,Meidoorn,"dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0395130,lon:3.7244670,name:'canopy tree',desc:'park,Ginko,"canopy tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'stinkende ballotte, hop"',desc:'Not Specified,"stinkende ballotte, hop"',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0409260,lon:3.7214260,name:'shrub',desc:'park,Hazel,"shrub, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1679080,lon:-5.0949840,name:'starbobble',desc:'Not Specified,starbobble,"herbaceous, climber, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1696570,lon:-5.0920390,name:'honeysuckle',desc:'Not Specified,honeysuckle,"uncategorised, climber, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1698660,lon:-5.0921570,name:'edible samphire (when tide is lower than this)',desc:'Not  Specified,edible samphire (when tide is lower than this),"uncategorised, vegetal eateries, soil cover, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1677580,lon:-5.0929570,name:'tree crab',desc:'Not Specified,tree crab',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1677740,lon:-5.0932570,name:'tree crab',desc:'Not Specified,tree crab',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1677200,lon:-5.0945280,name:'a cabbage relative with bobbles',desc:'Not Specified,a cabbage relative with bobbles,"herbaceous, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1683050,lon:-5.0962020,name:'copious  lichen on decayed tree',desc:'Not Specified,copious  lichen on decayed tree,"fungi (plant symbiont), "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1687450,lon:-5.0972750,name:'pineapple',desc:'Not Specified,pineapple,"dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1690240,lon:-5.0973340,name:'holly',desc:'Not Specified,holly,"shrub, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1694050,lon:-5.0983800,name:'coppices tree (perhaps)',desc:'Not Specified,coppices tree (perhaps),"dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1697800,lon:-5.0995330,name:'ivy and slow worm habitat',desc:'Not Specified,ivy and slow worm habitat,"climber, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1675170,lon:-5.0978650,name:'foam kernow',desc:'Not Specified,foam kernow,"productive gardens, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1689240,lon:-5.0901030,name:'samphire (at med-low tide)',desc:'Not Specified,samphire (at med-low tide),"rhizome, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1677040,lon:-5.0976660,name:'tree',desc:'Not Specified,tree,"uncategorised, dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1676020,lon:-5.0974200,name:'purple flowers',desc:'Not Specified,purple flowers',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.1675590,lon:-5.0974040,name:'miss peapods',desc:'Not Specified,miss peapods,"vegetal eateries, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'uncategorised',desc:'Not Specified,softly',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0396940,lon:3.7281850,name:'Venkel',desc:'Stalhof,Venkel,"herbaceous, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0391270,lon:3.7295580,name:'Asperge',desc:'In de berm langs het kanaal,"Wilde asperge, vrij groot. Groei normaal niet onder deze condities. Uniek.","herbaceous, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0381830,lon:3.7303300,name:'Cactus!! Mais and Pompoen.',desc:'Langs de trap naar boven.,Unieke verwilderde cactus!! En hij bloeit ook nog! Vlak ernaast ook nog een Mais plant en een Pompoen.,"herbaceous, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0477790,lon:3.7281640,name:'soil cover',desc:'Not Specified,grasses,"soil cover, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0477790,lon:3.7281640,name:'mould',desc:'Not Specified,mould',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'fungi (plant symbiont)',desc:'Not Specified,Clark,"fungi (plant symbiont), "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'contemplative parks',desc:'Not Specified,mould,"contemplative parks, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'organic markets,climber"',desc:'Not Specified,Test,"organic markets, climber, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0476540,lon:3.7290860,name:'Mais',desc:'tussen de tegels,Mais tussen de tegels,"soil cover, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0483010,lon:3.7378840,name:'Muurleeuwebek',desc:'Kademuur Achtervisserij,"Verovert kades sinds 1800, klein plantje met paarse bloempjes","soil cover, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'uncategorised',desc:'Not Specified,yesterday',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0361590,lon:3.7106750,name:'Zonnebloem, Doornapel, Kanariezaad,"',desc:'Station rechts voor de ingang,Wild stukje langs een braakliggend stukje..,"soil cover, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'literary gardens (bookshops, libraries)"',desc:'Not Specified,Test,"literary gardens (bookshops, libraries), "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0480110,lon:3.7335370,name:'uncategorised',desc:'Not Specified,sponge',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0449830,lon:3.7304160,name:'Tomaat',desc:'Hofstraat #48,Tomaat op de stoep,"herbaceous, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0478960,lon:3.7382270,name:'Zwarte Bes',desc:'In kade muur,Zwarte Bes,"shrub, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0533460,lon:3.7353520,name:'Klein Liefde Gras',desc:'Slachthuisbrug,Klein Liefde Gras,"soil cover, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0557470,lon:3.7353090,name:'Cherry',desc:'School Kaai,Wild Cherry,"dwarf tree, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0480110,lon:3.7335370,name:'shrub',desc:'Not Specified,skeletons,"shrub, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'climber',desc:'Not Specified,hanging spheres,"climber, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0462000,lon:3.7222470,name:'ijzervaren in het putje',desc:'Not Specified,ijzervaren in het putje,"uncategorised, herbaceous, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'plant shop',desc:'Not Specified,no description',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'rhizome',desc:'Not Specified,sarracenia,"rhizome, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'uncategorised',desc:'Not Specified,varkensgras',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'uncategorised,uncategorised"',desc:'Not Specified,varkensgras',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0475100,lon:3.7273900,name:'uncategorised,uncategorised"',desc:'Not Specified,varkensgras',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0478040,lon:3.7275100,name:'uncategorised,uncategorised"',desc:'Not Specified,hanging spheres',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0478040,lon:3.7275100,name:'uncategorised',desc:'Not Specified,sarracenia',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0500770,lon:3.7310050,name:'herbaceous',desc:'Not Specified,abcd,"herbaceous, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
- GV_Draw_Marker({lat:51.0456040,lon:3.7316770,name:'park',desc:'Not Specified,test object,"contemplative parks, "',color:'',icon:''}); +
-  +
-  +
- GV_Finish_Map(gv_options); +
-  +
- } else { +
- document.getElementById('gmap_div').style.backgroundColor = '#DDDDDD'; +
- document.getElementById('gmap_div').innerHTML = 'Sorry, your Google Map cannot be displayed.'; +
- GV_Map(); // execute the above code +
- </script> +
-  +
-  +
- </body>+
-</html>+During 2012CE we were based in Gent, Belgium and operated from a temporary lab in an abandoned candy store. 
 +==== geodata ==== 
 +  * http://locust.fo.am/zizim.html 
 +  * http://locust.fo.am/zizim.gpx 
 +==== iframe test ==== 
 +==== openlayers map test ==== 
 +<olmap id="olMapOne" width="850px" height="650px" lat="50.0" lon="5.1" zoom="12" statusbar="1" toolbar="1" controls="1" poihoverstyle="0" baselyr="OpenStreetMap" gpxfile=":_media:zizim.gpx" kmlfile="" summary="Zizim and environs"
 +~~ Plugin olmap help. 
 +~~ Required in the above tag are values for: id (unique on this page), width, heigth. 
 +~~ Also you will want to enter zoomlevel and lat, lon values that make sense for where you want the map to start. 
 +~~ Below is an example of a POI, you can add as many as you want. ~~ More examples: http://dokuwiki.org/plugin:openlayersmap  
  • parn/zizim.txt
  • Last modified: 2013-05-06 16:47
  • by alkan