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Patabotany “symbolically attributes the properties of plants, described by their virtuality, to their lineaments” (adapted from Alfred Jarry's Pataphysics)


Pataecology proposes…

an ecological, biomimietic systems thinking, an ecology “superinduced upon metaphysics […] extending as far beyond metaphysics as the latter extends beyond physics.” (Jarry, 1996) An ecology of imaginary solutions, inhabited by the plausible and improbable, as they pollinate or mutate, eating or being eaten. in –> groworld_hpi_ii

For ordinary plant morphology to be patafied see

Other morphological principles:

  • allotropy: the appearance of a mineral in several forms, like carbon (grafite,diamond,buckeyballs)
  • aplasia: full or partial standstill in growth of tissue or organs.
  • stratification (from Dutch) = layered order of stone, sediment, body-tissue etc.


  • dysteleology (Haeckel; 1834-1919) = study of purposelessness in nature (leer van de doelloosheid in de natuur.)
  • echokynesis: pathological compulsion to mimic movements.
  • epizoic: living on the body of an animal.
  • ideoplasia(from Dutch): changing or deforming of organic tissue due to mental influence.
  • taumatology: study of miracles.
  • Dance of Saint Vitus (from Dutch) = neurological disease that brings with it all kinds of sudden and involuntary movements of the limbs, face and muscles.
  • Formication : a somewhat unusual, but medically well-known, abnormal sensation. This sensation closely resembles the feeling of insects crawling on and/or under the skin, and can also include sensations which resemble those of insects stinging or biting.
  • spontaneous generation: frogs are born from mudd, mice from rotting wheat, etc.
  • patabotany.1224320720.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2008-10-18 09:05
  • by theunkarelse