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(based on the wikipedia/bugwood recipe as tested during biochymickal_arts_2013)


  • 1L Distilled water
  • 200g Potato
  • 20g Dextrose (1.5~2 tablespoons)
  • 20g Agar (1.5~2 tablespoons)
  1. Boil sliced, unpeeled potatoes in distilled water for 30 min.
  2. Filter through cheesecloth, saving effluent
  3. Add Dextrose and Agar
  4. Boil while mixing to dissolve
  5. Autoclave 15 min at 121°C (note: Final pH, 5.6 ± 0.2)
  • pda_recipe.txt
  • Last modified: 2013-09-18 07:15
  • by nik
  • Currently locked by: