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Company URL Jurisdiction Cost Service
23andme US ~399 USD “23andMe looks at nearly 600,000 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms), scattered across the 23 pairs of chromosomes that constitute the human genetic sequence. We also look at a few thousand places on the mitochondrial DNA, an odd loop of genetic material outside the nucleus that is involved in producing energy for the cell.”
navigenics US ?
deCODEme IS ~900 USD “a comprehensive genome scan and online analysis of your unique DNA profile by scanning one million variants in your genome.”
knome US >350,000 USD “whole-genome sequencing and a comprehensive analysis from a team of leading geneticists, clinicians and bioinformaticians.”
  • personal_genomics.1222963324.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2008-10-02 16:02
  • by nik