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Project decode

A research on looking at the prospects of an existence of geometrical structures in living and non-living beings and its potential application using new technologies and materials.

To re-look, the geometrical state of art which can bring new dimensions to surfaces/spaces in its physical well being of living and non-living existence.


Decoding the various elements in nature to its various geometrical relations and reflecting to a question “why beauty is there”. Where the flower for example has its geometrical rule how it is grown and why should it maintain certain proportions or why a bird should have a certain number of feathers to make it fly. These questions made me to the world of geometry where there is certain mathematical expressions/equations or generative algorithms, which the almighty has created and brought them to life.

As the world is constantly changing, the role as an individual is shifting and responding to some innovative methodologies which could offer a paradigm shift that alters the development of new novel process - based strategies which could bring more efficient connections between living and non-living spaces.

The potential of the research is to find and explore new generation of interactive systems within science, art and architecture that could bring new relationships or interconnections between the nature and human beings.


The research started with the decoding of various changes in nature in living and non living things.Like..

Active Changes

Passive Changes

But decoding which one… living/non living thing was a question for me.As I was a designer it took me only to discover the non living things in nature.So myself thought that the opportunity lies in living things where I could explore more - Decoding the living things surrounded by us. As this was also a challenging area of finding again what type of living things.

A brief research on various living things was undertaken.Understanding the relation on mathematics/geometry in biology took me to new dimensions of relation of science and the Question “Why beauty is there?”.

As the start of the Research “Project Decode” I have categorized the areas which leads me to great potential interests

1) Plants

2) Animals

These two areas where chosen because I thought there could be some unseen relationships in macro and micro levels which can be explored and revealed. In order of choosing the area, further discussions with Foam members where done and was narrowed towards Plants.

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  • Last modified: 2011-02-20 12:09
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