{NOTE: still need to check for consitency against original notes after libarynth greyhole event - nik gaffney)

Innis Townhall


  • Melody Swartz - Cell Migration and Pattern Formation Guided by Dynamic Microenvironments
  • Michelle Addington - Smart Materials
  • Karmen Franinovic - Behavioural Environments
  • Mark Shepard - Tactical Sound Garden Toolkit
  • Matt Gorbet - Solar Collector
  • Cassandra Fraser - Designing Matter and Responsive Metallobiomaterials
  • Jordi Truco - From Form Generation to Form Adaptation
  • Donald E Ingber - The Architecture of Life
  • Sean Hanna - Responsive Material / Responsive Structure
  • Pavel Hladik - Moving Structure
  • Tristan d'Estrée Sterk - Shape Control In Responsive Architectural Structures
  • Keynote Lecture: Steven Vogel - So What Would Nature Do?

Melody Swartz

Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology, Lausanne (Switzerland) Cell Migration and Pattern Formation Guided by Dynamic Microenvironments http://www.subtletechnologies.com/symposium/Swartz.html

  • env. dynamics -cellular [feedback loop / response)
  • cellular microenvironments → tissues
  • env. cues → structures * sensing gradients - movement/ sensing * gradients drive morphogenesis * esp. extracellualr matrix * chemotatic agent → cell migration lymphatic system → faciliate interstitial flow
  • flow nec. for coupling organisation cells respond to gradients [always under flow]
  • cells can create their own gradietns thru releasing precursors
  • hence self-regulation autocrine transcellular migration autochemokine → autochemotactic (ref.)

Michelle Addington

Harvard University (US) Smart Materials http://www.subtletechnologies.com/symposium/Addington.html Michelle Addington and Daniel Schodek, “Smart Materials and Technologies for the Architecture and Design Professions.â€

  • architecture - inside boundary layers
  • architectural imperatives for smart materials
  • impossible 'magical' materials, solving all existing problems
  • pragmatic embedding within the existing uses of materials
  • normative categorisation
  • materials → artifacts/ didactic
  • current architectural use denies behaviour, often ignoring dynamics

energy tansfer (proportial to) material propertiy x change of state cf hooke's law, fourier's law aerogel → linear

indep. vars. dep. vars
1. state material property (eg. … )
2. energy quantity material property (eg. thermochromic)
3. energy quantity energy type (eg. electrochromic)
4. energy quantity multiple states (eg. SMA)

requisite descriptions

state change  property change
energy input  energy output
  • what can be done with materials using their particular characteristics, rather than thrying to solve tradition problems.
  • escape Eulerian surface → Lagrangian
  • need to be more aware of operative scale, eg. sound (macro) → light diffusion (pico)
  • potential for large changes by working at a scale appropriate to the material and properties (eg. peltier / healt/light/microns)
  • problems with desinging subordinate to technology & demands of current tech.
  • fluroescent lighting (ref. GE 1936)
  • genesis of whiteness in interior design
  • problems with lumioence, and spread
  • ideal of a homogenous lighting field

IESNA → 'ideal' lighting level recomendations

1910 ~ 10lux
1950 ~ 300lux
1981 ~ 2000lux
2000 ~ 400-3000lux
  • visual system
  • entire human visual system is active at ~3lux
  • neural sys. for sight activated by gradients, luminecence not nec. important
  • rifts in luminance
  • LEDs → dealing with light directly,
  • scripting rifts in perception of luminance
  • most arch.projects dont focus on unique properties of LEDs, impose older ideas of lighting. eg. LEDs to replace fluro tubes
  • architecture to induce phenomelogical behaviours. physiology → perception
  • architectural suggestions
  • generalised principles, with unique and local strategies
  • decoupled, rather than integrated technology
  • supra, rather than subordinate role to tech
  • leveraging tiny phenomena to produce significant behaviours
  • boundary layer
  • boundary layer as zone of interaction, and active adaptation
  • all exchnage of energy in buildings occurs at the boundry layers
  • boundary layers are active gradients
  • away from artifacts & orthographic projections
  • perspective and depth → luminance cues
  • shape → colour cues
  • “art and …” Margret Livingstone (ref. visual perception in art)

Karmen Franinovic

Zero-Th Association (Canada) Behavioural Environments

Mark Shepard

State University Of New York At Buffalo (US) Tactical Sound Garden Toolkit

Matt Gorbet

Gorbet Design, Inc. (Canada) Solar Collector

Cassandra Fraser

University of Virginia (US) Designing Matter and Responsive Metallobiomaterials cf. pp40 proceedings

Jordi Truco

Universitat Internacional De Catalunya (Spain) From Form Generation to Form Adaptation cf. pp116 proceedings

  • material systems
  • parameteriation of components → modular construction
  • hybGrid
  • physical system for producing flexible structures from micro components. freestanding
  • planned → hybrid physical/digital to transfer digital models to parameterisable units.
  • local config → global structure

Donald E Ingber

Harvard University (US) The Architecture of Life

  • physical forces → cell development
  • cells as tensegrity structures (cf. cytoskeleton & internal strucutre)
  • nature builds structures using heirarchy of layers of structural integrity
  • eg. cytoskeleton (microfilaments → intermediate filaments → micro tublules)
  • cells stick to ECM (extra cellular membrane) at focal(?) points
  • tension in microfillalments is balanced by local regions of the substrate (ECM) which resist being compressed
  • cell shape is stabilised thru the balance of mechanical forces
  • cell & nucleus are connected in the tensegrity model (ref. various cellular & intracellular structures as tensegrity strucutres, virii, red blood cells, etc+ - sciAm article?)
  • tensegrity based heirarchical integration of cellular structures
  • solid state biochemistry on cytoskeleton (mechanical catalysts)
  • focal adhesion point → electro-mechano-biochemical mechanism
  • physical microenviroment governs tissue pattern development
  • dynamic reciprocity


  • google “Ingber Labs”
  • sciAm article

Sean Hanna

University College London (UK) Responsive Material / Responsive Structure

  • complexity cf. warren weaver (ref)
  • simplicity → disorganised complexity → organised omplexity
  • FEM (fininte element method) * Arghris, J (ref. argyris?)
  • combining analysis and generation
  • materials to distribute load, similar to a FE mesh
  • cellular → space frame
  • topology - connections between nodes → genetic algorithms
  • geometry - position of nodes → learning algorithms
  • evolution of modular unit cubes
  • first - evolve optimial topology
  • then - optimize geometry & learn which spatial arangements 'work'
  • machine learning - neural model based on McCulloch? & Pitts
  • evolving structures to undergo dynamic forces (ie. +ve poisson's ratio)
  • axial line analytics → nn
  • cities as CAS
  • unit based simulations scale linearly, rather than exponentially

Pavel Hladik

Architectural Association (U.K.) Moving Structure (…)

Tristan n d’Estrée Sterk

The Office For Robotic Architectural Media & Bureau For Responsive Architecture (Canada) Shape Control In Responsive Architectural Structures

Keynote Lecture: Steven Vogel

Duke University (US) So What Would Nature Do?

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