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The core team of FoAM bxl, including me, started our macrotransiency with the new moon in February 2016, carving out time to lay fallow and pursue things that “there isn’t time for”, to explore the unknown and embrace the unexpected.

This page is the informal log of my transiency process, in reverse chronological order.

11-17 April

An emotional week. Painting the colours in the room of my son into the the plane white walls. It started as a very practical thing to do but with every stroke of brush it became a sort of ritual of saying goodbye to the childhood of the boy.

This week also made me understand how much i dislike organising multiple events at the same time.At the moment i'm not used to read and respond to so many emails concerning matters that has nothing to do with each other. On the other hand i enjoy very much doing the activities. This week i gave two workshops for two classes. Very different activitys but so much reward when kids leave the space with dirty hands but inspired and smiling.

04-10 April

28 March-03 April

Goodbye darkness of march and welcome colours of april. There is something magic about the spring. In Lithuanian language plants budding is called “sprogsta” which means exploding. To me it is very accurate expresion of what is happening in the nature.

It has been a month and a bit of our transiency. I have to admit it flue by extreemly quickly and i still have a feeling my transiency didn't start yet. Even it is not so much happening at FoAM Bxl (i'm only engaged in teaching in two schools and taking care of the studio) very often i get a feeling of panic that i'm forgetting to do something. The only remedy for that is to stand up and persui all those experiments i've been putting away or never taking time to document it…

This spring i was playing around with letting the scraps of food grow. My window cill is accommodated by different jars with peaces of various plants: halves of onions, pieces of ginger, bottom bit of celery and so on.Not every plant succeeded in getting new roots and letting out new green leaves. But those that did look very weird, fragile and beautiful.

After a few months of waiting finally the book by Matthew Biancaniello “Eat your drink” has arrived. Lots of new interesting stuff to try out and new ideas of what can be done. I'm also wondering why i still don't have a blog or any other way of documenting all those recipes i invent?

Continuing playing with the cameras. Plants and moving:

21-27 March

04-20 March

Back at school for Kunst in de Keuken. This year in the planning i get less time than usual.We work around the theme of Time/Timing/Timer. Ironically i can say we don't have enough time to play around.This week we've made filters from transparent packaging leftovers and took portraits. The idea is to try to film trough it next week. Fingers crossed we'll manage our time well.

Visited FoAM Amsterdam. Wonderful to be a visitor and a tourist. Amazed with the community gardens of Theun. Hearing all the stories of the progress trough out the years and now seeing it in real i can appreciate the process of it even more.

Some results of the long exposure and double exposure. Note to my self in digital photos i still miss sharpness,texture and not happy with colours.With analog i need to find light balance between layers.

07-13 March

A week away to the dark cold wet and spring nowheretobeseen Lithuania.

Facilitated two events :

-Community building in a city of Panevezys that lost the city rights.

-Mapping out future plans of an ongoing event Migruojantys pauksciai.

As a reflection i was thinking how great it was to have Hosting Craft crash cours thought by Maja. Even i didn't think i have a talent for facilitating groups or events on my own, now it is so much easier to improvise with different methods and yet keep everyone on track and achieve results that i was asked for.

On the other hand last week was constantly surrounded by few people. I seem to attract them to tell their problems to me.I do try to avoid it but from time to time it gets to me… Coming back i feel i absorbed so many troubles that my body is aching day and night. And this time for sure not because i was doing to much, but because troubles of the others found the way inside of me…

Feb 29-March 6

Reading “The rest is noise” by Alex Ross.

Ones again amazed by the turbulence in the arts and society at turn of the 20th century. So many new directions, chaos, disputes, sense of apocalypse.Such a strong necessity to relate to different spiritual movements. This book is also filled with the musical anecdotes: “The joke went around that Webern had introduced the marking Pensato:Don't play the note, only think it.”


Gather all the necessary material for film development with coffee.

Working with long exposure. Also digital with canon and fuji.

Shooting first layer of Lomography purple for double long exposure experiment.


  • transiency_rasa_alksnyte.1461072811.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016-04-19 13:33
  • by rasa