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 +==== title ====
-  * list+  * [[https://walkinglab.org/thewalkingneighbourhood/|link titel]] 
 +<blockquote>text nnnnyyuvytytytr 
 +__Walking: a research method in art and design published by KABK Lectorate Design.__ 
 +  * The Rhytm of walking generates a kind of rhytmn of thinking, and the passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through a series. This creates an odd consonance between internal and extrnal passage, one that suggests athat the mind is also a landscape of sorts and that walking is one way to traverse it. Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: a history of walking. 
 +  * My footsteps make the mark. My legs carry me across the country. It's like a way of measuring the world. I love that connection to my own body. It's to me the world. Richard long. interview by Higgins, Charlotte. The Guardian, June 15, 2012 
 +  * After the rains, the air smells fresh with ozone sap, and leaf litter, and my senses are alive with curiosity. 
 +  * 'Sit as little a s possible: do not believe any idea that was not born in the open air and of free movement - in which muscles do not also revel'. Anna Tsing 
 +  * Walking at ones own pace creates an unadulterated feedback loop between the rhythm of [one's] body and [one's] mental state"; in other words, it allows creativity to flow. Ferris Jabr from his article "Why walking Helps us Think" for the New Yorker, September 3, 2014 
 +  * By walking barefoot we can start to feel our environment again. Louisse Spisser 
 +  * Walking Exercises: Lines and Squiggles in the Desert: https://libarynth.org/dust_and_shadow/walking_exercises?s[]=walking 
 +  * drunken dragon walk.  source Dr Shen Hongxun  -TaiWuChiGong practice. 
 +  * You're walking and you don't always realize it, but you're always falling. With each step up,you fall forward slightly and then catch yourself from falling. Over and over your falling and then catching yourself from falling and this how you can be walking and falling at the same time. Laurie Anderson - Gravity's Angel, inspired by the book Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pinchon. 
 +  * Sometimes you are not even aware that you are listening, but moving along with your tempo. Laurie Anderson. Northon lectures #02. 
 +  * your feet are the heaven of the earth (ancient Maya culture) 
 +  * I cannot sit still until I have moved. Walking itself is a way to take your mind off things, clear your head , make room for something new. Thomas Roosenboom, vrij nederland 2012. 
 +  * since the 60's walking itself became a form of art by itself.
   *    * 
 +  * Buido van der Werve, in 2007 left with a small crew to the Botanical Golf, to make a movies where he slowly walks over ice, just in fron tof Sampo, a three and a half thousand ton icebreaker of the Finnish government. A risky venture, but delivered an iconic result: the film number eight, Everything is going to be all right.
 +assignment: from the exotics--- to the everyday surrounding , read text together....Embodied research in emergent Antropoceen landscapes. a walk as inspiration for a work or as a work itself...
 +walk step, moonwalk in between exercise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-yX0GIi5s0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-yX0GIi5s0
 +  *landing sites, Cocky Eek; https://landingsites.wordpress.com/
 +  *Richard Long: At the age of 22 Long made a work that would prove to be exemplary for his entire oeuvre: A Line Made by Walking (1967), an icon of Land Art. The actual artwork was the action itself and its result in the landscape. For this he walked a true line back and forth across a field of grass, until a path of flattened grass appeared. he took a picture of this in black and white.
 +The photograph itself is the least important part of this work. it was necessary in order to record the temporary outcome of Long's action and make it visible to a large audience. the actual work of art was the action itself and its result in the landscape itself. The actual artwork was the action itself and its result in the landscape. 
 +Francis Alÿs, strolls with critical thinking through world cities. so he enters a rich state of consciousness. which yields surprising videos. Francis Alÿs is known for using poetic and metaphorical techniques to highlight the political and social realities of his city. Often, the issues he addresses range from national border politics to globalism and areas of conflict in his community and the effects of modernism.
 +Francis Alÿs – Paradox of Praxis I (Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing), Mexico City, 1997
 +The Paradox of Praxis 1 is a four-minute, fifty-nine seconds long video that features the artist as the primary subject. In the video, Francis Alÿs is seen pushing a massive block of ice around the city of Mexico until it melts into nothing. In total, Alÿs pushed the block of ice for 9 hours before it melted. However, the final copy of the video was edited and condensed to just a few minutes.
 +The video features sights, sounds, as well as streets and storefronts of the city in the background. The final scene of the video also features a group of 3 young boys that smile up at the camera as the video comes to a close.
 +Though considered an absurd use of one’s effort and time, the act of pushing the block of ice around the city center was created by Alÿs to examine day to day life in Mexico city. As the video continues to progress, the audience is confronted with images of the sidewalks and puddles of dirty water in various areas of the city.
 + was done to symbolize the frustration that everyday residents of Mexico City endure in an effort to improve their living conditions.
 +that sometimes the only thing that one needs to enjoy their city in a new and unique way can be something as modest as a block of ice. the street, the crowds and the people who populate the street , determine his actions.
 +Passers-by and traffic always provide unexpected twists.
 +In his work Narcotourismo he walked for a week through Copenhagen, each day under the influence of a different dru after followed a depression. In london he walked past houses with fences. like a small child ALuys rattled past them during his walks with a stick. Those walks culminated in a series of short films
 +Francis Alÿs Paradox of Praxis 1 (Sometimes making something leads to nothing)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZedESyQEnMA
 +introduction course 
 +The Walking Seminar. Embodied Research Methodologies in emergent Anthropocene Landscapes https://issuu.com/artist-in-residence-ahk/docs/wandelkrant___insert_samengebonden
 +what walking means in cultural history:
 +  * Homeric bards, old wanderers for whom walking was a part of poetry
 +  * the Peripatetic philiosophers who taught and discoured while walking back and forth in a Stoa
 +  * Collonade; the walking poets of the Hellenistic world, who would leave a little poem behind them them at a brook or under a shade tree where other walkers from town to town would find them, extolling the shade of the tree, the clarity and coolness of the water in the brook, 
 +  *  The Sky- walking or Cloud-walking Taoist poets and ages, who would high uo in the mountain peaks in cloud banks
 +    Li Po walking and following the moon
 +   * The Buddhist walking meditation, in which excruciating slowness first the path then the heel of each foot gloms the ground.
 +   * the Anabis, the great walk of the greek soldiers trapped in Persia under Xenophon
 +  * the walk to the end of the world that Alexander the Great wept from inability to complete
 + * the wandering scholars and troubadours of the European Middle Ages
 + * Mao's Long March and Gandhi's Walk to the Sea
 +* the man who ritually walked the lenght, from end to end, of every streetin Mahattan. http://www.manhattanwalkblog.com/
 +and so on
 +walking just aas a motion, as process, as a going on in life, a continuum, a mode of selfexpression or dicovery or exploration, a means of bonding with the landscape, or being at a raw level in the environment, like the Indian sadhus with their vowed walks, their walked vows. 
 +  * The prostrating walk in Chine Buddhism. The monk enters a concentration or one pint-state as much as possible, faces in the direction he wishes to traverse, and lies flat on his face on the ground; when he gets up he plants his feet where his face had been when he was lying down, gathers his concentration again, and so on. It's much like the movement of an inch-worm, except that with each prostration he advances about five feet. For centuries Buddhist monks developing their vipassana concentration, or one-point attention to the present moment, would vow do to this excersice for a year, usually circumambulating a mountain with prostrations.One famous monk did this for forty years, then became a teacher of the dharma in his old age.
 +The Graeta Wll Walk was based in the idea of the artists walking towards each other, in theirr early work, the pair walked toward each other over and over again with great physical concentration across a small space. in the great wall the while they converged across a fast distance, their walking invlved perhaps even more mental than physical effort. 
 +(source:  The Lovers, The Great Wall Walk, marina Abramovic and Ulay. pg 95, 112)
 +  * ((https://territoriesofarttherapy.wordpress.com/2018/10/04/the-art-of-walking/))
 +  * Stanly Brouwn: takes walking, a man's step  as his point of departure. the human measure against which all else can be compared.
 +check it out! plus pictures.
  • two_legged_research.txt
  • Last modified: 2021-10-31 15:40
  • by cocky