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vreemde_woordenboek [2007-07-12 09:32] – external edit [2011-10-19 00:27] – FCHuAiRynzMCfVVFaa
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- +That's a mold-breakerGreat thkiinng!
- +
- +
-===== vreemde woordenboek - dictionary of curious words ===== +
-[[Reading Notes]] +
- +
-**'Universiteit voor Zelfstudie'**  from a Dutch dictionary of curious words from the which looks like its from the 50ies. +
- +
- +
-Words are in the Dutch spelling, but the English can probably be derived from them and sometimes I already have. +
- +
- +
-**agas asellum** **drijf een ezel zoveel ge wilt, het blijft een ezel.**  (L)= how ever much you push a donkey, it will remain a donkey- +
- +
-**agonische lijn / agonic line?** **denkbeeldige lijn die alle puten op aarde verbindt waarr de magneetnaal geen afwijking vertoont van het eigenlijke Noorden.**  = imaginary line connecting all points on the earth'surface where the magnet needle does not digress away from the true North- +
- +
- +
-**allantiasis** **worstvergiftiging.**  = sausage-poisoning- +
- +
-**allotropie** **vormverscheidenheid.**  = diversity of form in the way carbon can take the form of coal or diamond- +
- +
-**allopsychose / allospychosis** **geestesziekte, waarbij de voorstellingen omtrent de buitenwereld gestoord zijn.**  = disease of the mind involving disturbed mental image of the world.- +
- +
-**allotrioguesie** **stoornis in de smaakgewaarwording, smaakhallucinatie.**  = taste hallucination- +
- +
-**allopelagisch / allopelagic** **op alle diepten van de zee kunnen leven.**  = can live at all depths of the sea- +
- +
-**allotriophagie** **Het nuttigen van niet tot eten bestemde of geschikte stoffen of voorwerpen bijv. uit krankzinnigheid of uit nood door drenkelingen of op onherbergzame plaatsen terechtgekomen.**  = the eating of substances and objects which are usually not considered food, due to insanity or out of desperation when stranded or otherwise isolated- +
- +
- +
-**anagalactisch / anagalactic?**  = situated outside of the Milky Way. +
- +
-**anaglyphen / anaglyphs**  = stereoscopic image using a red and green image. +
- +
-**androgenese / androgenesis** **ontwikkeling van een levend organisme uitsluitend uit mannelijke cellen.**  = an organism that develops exclusively out off masculine cells- +
- +
-**androphaag**  = man-eater. +
- +
-**anemophylie**  = pollination by wind. +
- +
-**anisophyllie**  = the appearance of two or more different shapes of leaves on a plant. +
- +
-**antediluviaal / antediluvian**  = from before the biblical flood, ancient. +
- +
-**aphagie** **onvermogen om te slikken.**  = inability to swallow- +
- +
-**apogeotropisme** **neiging zich te gedragen in strijd met de zwaartekracht.**  = the inclination to behave contrary to the laws of gravity, in the way a branch or twig bends itself upwards- +
- +
- +
-**apotoom** **verschil tussen twee onmeetbare grootheden.**  = mathematics: difference between two immeasurable numbers- +
- +
-**aprioristisch / aprioristic?**  = decision made before having gotten to know the facts or before having made a study. +
- +
-**aplanaat**  = lens that shows no distortion of picture or color at the edges. +
- +
-**aplasie**  = full or partial standstill in growth of tissue or organs. +
- +
-**apperceptie / apperception** **bewuste, beoordelende en opzettelijke waarneming.**  = conscious, critical and deliberate observation, +
- +
-**astrobolisme**  = the blasting of plants by the summer-sun. +
- +
-**astrolith**  = stone originating from the sky. +
- +
-**asylum ignoratiae**  (L)= refuge for ignorance. +
- +
-**athaumasie** **het zich nergens over verwonderen als voorwaarde voor zielsrust en gelukzaligheid.**  = lack of wonder or indifference as a source of inner peace- +
- +
-**augur**  = birddowser, fortuneteller of ancient Rome -_vogelwichelaar, waarzegger, voorspeller._ +
- +
-**autopathie** **eigen gewaarwording, zelfervaring.**  = self-perception- +
- +
-**autostasie**  = state of balance between the animate and the inanimate in nature. +
- +
-**autotrophisch / autotropic** **zichzelf voedend zonder voedsel aan e omgeving te onttrekken.**  = sustains itself without subtracting nourishment from the environment (bacteria and plants) - +
- +
- +
-**autotropisme** **neiging van planten om in een rechte lijn of vaste richting te groeien of de oorspronkelijke vorm weer aan te nemen.**  = inclination of -plants to grow in a certain direction or to return to a previous (or is it prior) form- +
- +
- +
-**biomantie**  = fortune telling specified to predicting the life-span of a person. +
- +
-**bletonisme**  = the art of finding water under ground. +
- +
-**bolide**  = kind of meteorite, known also as a fire-ball. +
- +
-**bromatologie** **kennis of leer van de voedingsmiddelen.**  = knowledge of victuals- +
- +
-**brontologie**  = the study or knowledge of thunder. +
- +
-**carnatie / carnation?**  = depiction of human flesh in painting. +
- +
-**carpoliet / carpolith?**  = petrified remains of fruit. +
- +
-**cataphorie** **ongelijke stand inhoogte van de ogen.**  = varied position in height of the eyes- +
- +
-**clinomanie**  = pathological compulsion to lie in bed-  _ziekelijke zucht om in bed te liggen.- +
- +
-**cochenille** **scharlakenluis, schildluis die een rode verfstof oplevert.**  = 'scarlet-louse', coccus that is the source of a red pigment- +
- +
-**cognitie**  = nice dutch translation: kenvermogen, which means the ability to know or 'know-capacity'+
- +
-**cononten / conodonts?**  = petrified remains of teeth and jaws of worms in very old layers of earth. +
- +
-**couldrofobie / couldrophobia**  = irrational fear of clowns. +
- +
-**cybernetica / cybernetics**  = in this book from the 50-ies it is described as 'stuurmanskunst'= steersmanship. +
- +
-**cyanthropie**  = delusion causing the sufferer to believe he is a dog. +
- +
-**deipnosophist**  = a person killed in dinner-table conversation. +
- +
-**diamonelix**  = man-sized open sandstone spiral found in certain West-Nebraska regions, thought to be the petrified remains of the fillings of the boroughs of prehistoric rodents. +
- +
-**dermatorragie**  = skinbleed, sweat of blood. (sound like something hagiographic.) +
- +
-**dilettant** **kunstzinnige of wetenschappelijke beunhaas.**  (F)= artistic or scientific bungler- +
- +
-**dirigeable** **bestuurbaar luchtschip.**  (F)= controllable airship- +
- +
-**drapetomanie / drapetomania?** **ziekelijke zucht to zwerven of weglopen.**  = pathological compulsion to roam or wander or run away- +
- +
-**dysteleologie** **leer van de doelloosheid in de natuur.**  = study of uselessness in nature- +
- +
-**echokinesie ,echomatisme, echomimie**  = pathological compulsion to mimic movements. +
- +
-**echolalie**  = pathological compulsion to repeat ones own words or words spoken by others. +
- +
-**entomologie**  = knowledge of insects. +
- +
-**entomoliet / entomolith?**  = petrified insect. +
- +
-**epagogisch / epagogic?** **gaande van het bijzondere naar het algemene.**  = moving from the particular to the common- +
- +
-**epeolartie /epeolatry**  = worshipping of words. +
- +
-**epheliden / ephelids**  = summer-freckles. +
- +
-**epicantus**  = mongolian fold in the eye-lid. +
- +
-**epizoisch / epizoic?**  = living on the body of an animal. +
- +
-**erratica**  = wandering-stones. +
- +
-**fucologie / fucology?**  = knowledge of seaweeds. +
- +
-**fumigatie / fumigation?**  = smoking-out an enclosure on a ship or in a hospital to disinfect. +
- +
-**fungilore**  = knowledge of legends and folklore about fungi. +
- +
-**galantisme**  = pretending to be science, superficial science. +
- +
-**galeanthropie**  = delusion causing the sufferer to believe he is a cat. +
- +
-**geonomie / geonomy?**  = knowledge of earth and its potential for farming. +
- +
-**geostropische wind / geostropic wind?**  = wind that gets its energy fro the axial rotation of the earth. +
- +
-**geotropisme**  = the inclination to conform to the laws of gravity, in the way a branch or twig hangs down. +
- +
-**glytognosie**  = knowledge of stone cutting. +
- +
-**haruspex**  = religious official in ancient Rome who interpreted omens by inspecting the entrails of sacrificial animals. +
- +
-**entzauberung** **onttovering**  (G)= 'de-magic-fication' of nature, enlightenment- +
- +
-**hamartologie**  = knowledge of sins. +
- +
-**heteromorphisme**  = the ability of some crystals to take several different crystalline forms. +
- +
-**hydrometeoren / hydrometeorites**  = everything that falls from clouds. +
- +
-**hypnagotische hallucinatie**  = dreamlike image seen shortly before dosing-off, that is connected to the subject of thought of that moment. +
- +
-**iconolatrie**  = veneration of statues or images (beelden in dutch.) +
- +
-**ideoplasie** **verandering of vervoming van de organische stof onder invloed van geestelijke werking.**  = changing or deforming of organic tissue due to mental influence- +
- +
-**immanentie / immanence?** **inwonen van de goddelijke geest in de natuur of de stof.**  = the being present of the holy ghost in nature or matter- +
- +
-**indicatoridae**  = type of bird that alerts man to the presence of a bees-nest by the use of sound and wing-movement, in-order to get bee-larvae to eat. +
- +
-**in silico**  (L)= by means of a computer simulation. +
- +
-**isopsefie**  = number magic. +
- +
-**kerauneurose / kerauneurosis?**  = neurological disorder due to thunderstorms. +
- +
-**kinetogenese** **de leer dat de dierlijke lichaamsbouw voortgekomen is uit hun bewegingen.**  = the notion that animal stature originates from the way they move- +
- +
-**kjökken mödding**  (D)= hill of kitchen-garbage left by prehistoric inhabitants of the Danish coast. +
- +
-**kurassier / cuirassier**  = a cavalry soldier that wears a helmet and a chest harness. +
- +
-**lagopthalmus**  = hare-eye- hazenoog. +
- +
-**lycanthropie**  = delusion causing the sufferer to believe he is a wolf. +
- +
-**malacologie**  = knowledge of mollusks. +
- +
-**manisme**  = veneration of forefathers. +
- +
-**mesosideriet / mesosiderite?**  = partially metallic meteor-stone. +
- +
-**matemerisme**  = the division of body of an animal into somewhat similar parts. +
- +
-**metaplasie** **verandering van een lichaamsweefsel in een andere.**  = the changing of one body tissue into an other- +
- +
-**myrmecologie**  = knowledge of ants. +
- +
-**nadir**  = astronomy the point on the celestial sphere directly below an observer, the opposite of the zenith. +
- +
-**naturaliën**  = very rare produces of nature. +
- +
-**noumenon**  (L)= something that exists only in the realm of ideas and cannot be perceived through the senses. +
- +
-**obscurantisme**  = the aim to corrupt the march of progress or the enlightenment of the people. +
- +
-**oneirologie**  = study of dreams. +
- +
-**oxiopie / oxyopy**  = possessing extremely acute eyesight. +
- +
-**palynologie**  = study of pollen. +
- +
-**paraesthesie** **verkeerde lichamelijke gewaarwording.**  = incorrect bodily perception- +
- +
-**paramorf**  = strange form, differing in form. +
- +
-**philosophaster, sciolist**  = a superficial pretender to knowledge. +
- +
-**photisme**  = sensations of color or light caused by sound vibrations. +
- +
-**phytonomie**  = the laws that govern the coming into existance and growth of plants. +
- +
-**phytopharmacie**  = described in dutch as; 'plantenatrsenybereidkunde', so 'plantmedicationpreparationknowledge'+
- +
-**plenus venter non studet liberter**  (L)= a full stomach doesn't like to study. +
- +
-**plutocratie**  = cultural dominance of the rich, wealth or money. +
- +
-**potamologie**  = study of rivers. +
- +
-**protistologie**  = study of the earliest life-forms. +
- +
-**pseudaesthesie** **onechte of verkeerde gevoelsgewaarwording.**  = unreal or incorrect tactile awareness- +
- +
-**pseudakusis** **onechte of verkeerde gehoorsgewaarwording.**  = unreal or incorrect auditory awareness- +
- +
-**pseudo blepsie** **gezichtsbedrog.**  = unreal or incorrect visual awareness- +
- +
-**psuedosmie** **onechte of verkeerde reukgewaarwording.**  = unreal or incorrect smell awareness- +
- +
-**Pytthia**  = the priestess at the oracle of Delphi who was seated on a tripod over a hole in the earth where the body of a 'slain dragon'(a vulcano) was buried that excreted methane. The largely unintelligable utterings of this woman were interpreted by a priest and would hold informaion about future events. +
- +
-**quidditeit / quiddity** **het eigenlijke wezen van iets, het wezenlijke deel van iets.**  = the elementary or truly essential part of something - +
- +
-**sarcosoma**  = the part of the body that is meat as opposed to the skeleton. +
- +
-**sciamantie / sciamantia**  = fortune-telling by shadows. +
- +
-**scototropisme**  = influence of the dark or shaduws on the behavour of organisms, movement towards the shadow or darkness by organisms. +
- +
-**selenotropisch/ selenotropic?**  = the tendency of a plant to aim itself towards the moon. +
- +
-**sensiblerie (F)**  = exaggerated display of emotional sensitivity. +
- +
-**Sint Vitus dans / Dance of Saint Vitus?**  = neurological disease that brings with it all kinds of sudden and involuntary movements of the limbs, face and muscles. +
- +
-**spintherisme**  = seeing sparkles. +
- +
-**statuomanie**  = exaggerated ambition to erect statues. +
- +
-**stereognosie**  = perceiving an object by the sense of touch. +
- +
-**stoechiometrie** **leer van de verhoudingen wat betreft gewicht, ruimte en andere grootheden in scheikundige stoffen en hun verbindingen.**  = study of relations of weight, size and other measurements of chemical substances and compounds- +
- +
- +
-**stratificatie**  = layered order of stone, sediment, body-tissue etc. +
- +
-**styliet / stylite**  = pillar-saint. +
- +
-**sylphe / sylphide**  = air-phantom, air-god or a nice girl. +
- +
-**teleologie** **leer van het doel en de doelmatigheid in de Schepping en in de verschijnselen.**  = study of the purpose and determination in Creation and phenomena- +
- +
-**thaumatologie / taumatology**  = study of miracles. +
- +
-**theophanie**  = sudden appearance of God. +
- +
-**trophotaxis**  = the adaptaion of an organism to a substance that can serve as food. +
- +
-**ultracrepidarian (person)**  = of somebody who gives opinions on matters beyond his knowledge. +
- +
-**umami**  = the fifth taste. +
- +
-**xanthopsie**  = seeing everything yellow. +
- +
-**xerophagie**  = fasting, eating very soberly. +
- +
-**xylologie**  = study of types of wood. +
- +
-**zoölatrie**  = veneration of animals. +
- +
-**zoöliet**  = petrified animal. +
- +
-**zoöpsie**  = delusion of the mind causing a person to see heaps of crawling animals everywhere.+
  • vreemde_woordenboek.txt
  • Last modified: 2011-10-20 10:42
  • by nik