Table of Contents

Power of the Mud - Intersession #1

This page relates the parallel advances of the Power of the Mud project made respectively by Paul Granjon in Cardiff and Michka Melo in Brussels between their intensive work session which took place in Cardiff in September 2016 and May 2017.


Paul, September 14th - Mudwatt news

Brussels, September 23rd - Joule thief circuit experiments


Does it work to use a joule thief circuit to charge a capacitor ?

Michka, February 28th - Robot concept ideas for V&A

Intentions boue 3

Intentions boue 2

Intentions boue 1

Paul, March 6th - Robot concept ideas for V&A


paresseux 2

paresseux 3

paresseux 4

paresseux 5

paresseux 6

paresseux 7

paresseux 8

Michka, end of April - Replicating the JT experiments

Paul, May 4th - Mudwatt news