This is an old revision of the document!

Augmented Foraging

Combining the ancient skills of foragers with the newest mobile media.

A mobile phone guide to edible urban wild-food sources. Created in first instance for Amsterdam urban_edibles as an Ushahidi based app for Android phones.

We have chosen Boskoi as a name for the mobile app because it translates as 'grazer' or 'browser' from the Greek 'βοσκοί'.

Functionalities (being implemented):

  • Showing edible or useful wildfood sources in your area.
  • Displaying direction and distance to plant.
  • Providing info on edible parts of the plant.
  • Enabling anyone (with gps on mobile) to upload new entries to the database.
  • Providing links to expert knowledge (botanical, herbal, culinary, ecological)
  • Verifying plant status.
  • Open to mail, sms, twitter.
  • Offering alerts to new additions in your area.

Possible extras:

  • Offering harvesting alerts.
  • Join local foragers and events.
  • Providing a route to a recipe.
  • supporting standard format see: foragemarkuplanguage

In future we aim at Boskoi versions for several platforms.

Reviews / Interludes

  • augmented_foraging.1286711816.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010-10-10 11:56
  • by
  • Currently locked by: