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Excerpts from the article “Attune” by Timothy Morton. In Veer Ecology.

Since a thing cannot be known directly or totally, one can only attune to it, with greater or lesser degrees of intimacy. This is not a “merely” aesthetic approach to a basically blank extensional substance. Since appearance can't be peeled decisively from the reality of a thing, attunement is a living, dynamic relation with another being. The ecological space of attunement is a space of veering, because rigid differences between active and passive, straight and curved, become impossible to maintain.


We have recently rediscovered attunement, which is unsurprising, as we have recently rediscovered non-human beings outside the flattening, reifying concept of nature, which almost seems to have been designed to dampen our awareness of attunement space, perhaps just as the “well-tempered” keyboard is designed to reduce the spectral harmonics that haunt a sound owing to its necessary physical embodiment: there is no sound as such, no pure tones, only the sound of a string, the sound of a sine wave generator.


When we study attunement, we study something that has always been there: ecological intimacy, which is to say intimacy between humans and nonhumans, violently repressed with violent results.


We spent all this time tuning the world to anthropocenic tones, then delimiting attunement space. We might have to teach birds to tune to wind turbines, and this will be a drag. We want to be comfy in our unwavering, thanatological world.


I am playing a tune called myself to which you are attuning, but which is itself attuned to you, so that we have an asymmetrical chiasmus between myself and me, between me and you.


Attunement is the feeling of an object's power over me —I am being dragged by its tractor beam into its orbit.


Hearing is a chiasmic crisscross between sounds emitted by my ear and pressure waves perturbing the ear's liquids from the outside. The not-me beckons, making me hesitate. Come.


Dust and Shadow Reader Vol. 2. Previous: meditation. Next bibliography.

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  • Last modified: 2019-08-30 10:28
  • by maja