Edible Gardens & (Seed) Nurseries

Edible Gardens in Holland

__Gardens worth to visit on advise from a friend...__

in the hight north:

  • Brian Kabbes in Suameer, (avised by Henk Gerritsen)
  • De Kruidhof (has amongst wild rozes) in Buitenpost
  • De Kleine Plantage in Eenrum (veel rozen,(rosa Mozart, Bobbie James kew rambler) http://www.dekleineplantage.nl/

around Assen:



  • Wilde Bertam: garden from Flora Meijdam in Gemert, Brabant, Netherlands. She has all the native edible plants and herbs. Which seeds you can all order. http://www.wildebertram.nl/
  • Nursery De Bolderik is gespecialised in the production of native flower and herb seeds for the development of nature. http://www.debolderik.net/

Vegatables Seeds

  • Vreeken in Dordrecht has amongst groenbemesters, los verkrijgbare -vergeten groenten- zaden: edable plants and mushrooms. https://www.vreeken.nl/


  • Mixture especially for bees and other insects. Composed from an very old recepy and still used by bee-keepers. It creates aswell quicly flowerfields. http://www.hofmanap.nl



de Batterijen (tip van Fransje de Waard) http://www.batterijen.nl/
Plants for a Future : http://www.pfaf.org/user/default.aspx
fruit: Dutch and Belgium places to find unusual & uncultivated fruits

Gardens, Nurseries nd other interesting places in Belgium

  • Ecoflara: nursery in Halle from herbs and native wild plants. heeft mengsels voor groendaken, http://www.ecoflora.be/
  • Fraternité Ouvrière* zaadbank en eetbare achtertuin tuin van Josine en Gilbert Cardonde te Moeskroen; veelal verikaal ontworpen; zodat vel miroclimaten onstaan, beheerd ddor te oogsten, zaaien en stekken, onverstoorde bodem met daarop hoogdiverse, multifunctionele polyculturen, (advised by Fransje de Waard)

Gardens and Nurseries in UK


  • edible_gardens_seed_nurseries.txt
  • Last modified: 2012-08-06 09:26
  • by cocky
  • Currently locked by: