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Food Futures menu for the reception at the opening of the Future Fictions exhibition at Z33 in Hasselt, Belgium, on the 4th of October 2014. Based on four archetypal food_scenarios. Recipes used in this menu can be found on future_fictions_recipes.


Golden fruit & veg
Banana, parsley, vegetable crisps
Limburg sushi
Blue potato, asparagus
Vegetable jello
Sweet corn, peas, pepper
Rainbow pasta salad
Spirelli, food colouring, orange, okra
“Green” tea
Lemongrass, lemon, stevia

Read more about the Continue scenario


Wholesome bite
Witlof, potatoes, cheese
Autumn velouté
Pumpkin, sweet potato, smoked paprika
Spoonful of fertility
Grains, seeds, chanterelles
Whole Earth Sandwich
Bread, beetroot, celeriac, chickpeas

Read more about the Discipline scenario


Potato-peel chips
Potato peel, truffle oil, seaweed
Fermented mushrooms
Button mushrooms, herbs
Smoked fungus juice
Fermentation liquid, root vegetables, honey
Mock worms in seaweed salt
Baby anchovy, seaweed
Food Supplement

Read more about the Collapse scenario


Fruit elixir
Berries, rose petals, chilly, juniper
Mock oysters
Quince, port, orange, leaves, spices
Popping dates
Mazafati dates, tahini, popping sugar
Carrots and violets
Carrots, violets, urban honey, lemon
Sweet basil teas
Basil seeds, hibiscus, lavender, mallow

Read more about the Transform scenario

  • future_fabulators/future_fictions_menu.1413831200.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014-10-20 18:53
  • by maja
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