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[foam][illumine-events] exersise 01, Inflated Skin in dialogue with lightinstallation, 2003
pfoto: Nathalie van Helvoort, model Tessa & Camilla, dress: Cocky Eek

Marit Folstad Blow Up #1, 1999 Video; TRT: 13 min. 29 sec. From the exhibition Thin Skin: The Fickle Nature of Bubbles, Spheres, and Inflatable Structures AXA Gallery, January 30-April 13, 2002

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p~lot, (Play Lab on Open Grown Territories)‘Inflatable Skins’
Photo Nathalie van Helvoort, model: Tessa joosse, inflatable skin: Cocky Eek


“The Boy in the Bubble” 1978, David (1971-1984)

As his mother looks on, six-year-old David plays with a water hose during one of his initial ventures outside the confines of the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston in June 1978. David was born at the hospital with an extremely rare hereditary disorder known as severe combined immune deficiency. Because his brother had died of the disease, doctors immediately placed David into a plastic isolation unit that acted as an artificial immune system. The NASA-made mobile isolator system shown here allowed him a degree of mobility. David, who became known to the world as “the boy in the bubble,” lived in such isolators for nearly 13 years. He died on February 22, 1984, following an unsuccessful bone marrow graft, an attempt to provide him with the capacity to make antibodies on his own and thus free him from the bubble. Notes Acquired, 1986. The Mobile Biological Isolation System was developed by NASA at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.

Floating Cube, Cocky Eek, performance, Paard Den Haag (NL) 2005 ; pilot performer: Ruben Bus


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Ana_Rewakowicz: Uniblow Outfits 2001-2002, Two inflatable outfits made from rubber latex and shoe-pumps.
When the wearer walked around, the clothes inflated themselves. The human body as an art form in a playful and light way, but at the same time exposed it to physical comfort and/or discomfort. source:

Inflatable Exoskeleton, Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi,Japan.
Basically instead of using heavy hydraulics, the exoskeleton uses air compression, which can help bend or straighten arms. The suit mimics the body's system of connecting muscles to bones via tendons. It could be used to boost the strength of specific muscles, such as biceps or triceps. The artificial muscles are made up of inflatable rubber tubes surrounded by flexible metal mesh connected at each end to the joints on the suit. When the tube inflates, the mesh bulges, which in turn pulls each end in and shortens the artificial muscle. Pressure sensors all over the suit would tell the artificial muscles when to kick in. Check out the video of the suit in action. source:


Mister-Blow-Up, source: book Blow Up by Sean Topham

Bighorn inflable hoodsand Yvette dresses by Robin Archer, source: book Blow Up by Sean Topham

more inflatable image section: Experience Inflatables - Powered by Wind - Parasite Inflatables - Soap Experiences - When Nature Inflates - Environmental Blendings - Hardened Bubbles - Inflatable Spaces - Inflatable Sound - Interactive Inflatables - The Non Categorized Inflatables - Lighter than Air - NASA Inflatables or go back to: Cocky Eek

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  • Last modified: 2008-01-29 15:45
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