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Here are some tips and hints on using the FoAM library and its online catalogue, focusing on its own particular idiosyncrasies. This is not a guide on using Zotero or library systems in general. Please refer to the following links or do a search to find out more about this.


The library is organised into the following sections:

  1. Books shelf: A to Z by author or title
  2. Digital Media shelf: CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMs, but also a few video tapes and some peculiar and archaic software
  3. Fiction shelf: mostly paperback fiction books
  4. Magazine and Journal shelf: periodicals, includes many miscellaneous titles with only one issue
  5. Unperiodicals shelf: reports, conference proceedings, yearbooks
  6. Ephemera boxes: brochures, leaflets, postcards, flyers, etc. organised by year
  7. Temporary Autonomous Sections: modular extensible subsections that can coagulate or dissolve at any time for particular people, projects, themes
  • library/foam_library_rough_guide.1389869934.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014-01-16 10:58
  • by alkan