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-Propeller, from book Men & machines, 010 publishers
Chesterton Windmill, South-East Warwickshire. The mill was built in the years 1632- 1633 and remained in use until about 1910 when its machinery ceased to work.

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Yukio Futagawa;
Ant Farms inflatable, 1971, source:

Marylin Monroe; eagle_parachute 1944


Casa basica: Martin Ruiz de Azua, 1999
Polyester, 6' 6 3/4“ x 6' 6 3/4” x 6' 6 3/4“ (200 x 200 x 200 cm)

Wind Dress: Cocky Eek, 2002, Holland

The Aeolian Ride: a project by Jessica Findley
50 people in wind inflated suits riding. As the rider's body is re-sculpted through inflated shapes, his/her physical and mental self-awareness become more acute. By joining a group of costumed cyclists a person also becomes aware of the connection of the group as a whole.

The dam, which would be located over a gorge at Lake Lagoda in north-west Russia, includes a cup-shaped spinnaker sail, believed to be the first of its kind, which will generate renewable energy by funnelling the wind through an attached turbine. The spinnaker shape is similar to the mainsail of a yacht, and is thought to be particularly effective in capturing wind. Project architect Laurie Chetwood, said that the shape of the sail was influenced by functionality and a desire to produce something “sculptural”. He added: “The sail looks like a bird dipping its beak into the water, which will be much less of a blot on this beautiful and unblemished landscape. “But it is also highly effective at capturing the wind because it replicates the work of a dam and doesn’t let the wind escape in the way it does using traditional propellers.” If granted planning, the dam will be 25m high and boast a 75m span when it goes on site next year. The practice is also looking at applying for planning permission for a similar scheme at another gorge, further up the valley. source:

more inflatble image sections: Inflatable Structures, Experience Inflatables, Parasite Inflatables, Soap Experiences, When Nature Inflates, Environmental Blendings, Hardened Bubbles, Inflatable Spaces, Inflatable Sound, Interactive Inflatables, Inflatable Wearables, The Non Categorized Inflatables, Lighter than Air, NASA Inflatables, Cocky Eek

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  • Last modified: 2008-02-02 12:52
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