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Chinese farmers near the Zhongyuan oil fields in China's Henan province carry back to their homes giant plastic bags filled with natural gass stolen from wells along the road. They use the gas for cooking and heating, causing annual losses of more than 20 million yuan (5 million guilders) to the oil companies.

source: book “Lightness” - The inevitable renaissance of minimum energy structures, Adriaan Beukers - Ed van Hinte



The Urban Search and Rescue team uses these for lifting immensely heavy objects. When deflated, the bags can be inserted under objects, even when there is very little room available. Once inserted, the bag is filled with air via the attached connection and hose which are clearly visible in the photos above. As the bag fills it lifts the load on top of it. source:


Worker mouth blowing glass to prepare a flower vase source:

continue with more inflatable image sections: Powered by Wind - Parasite Inflatables - Soap Experiences - When Nature Inflates - Environmental Blendings - Hardened Bubbles - Inflatable Spaces - Inflatable Sound - Interactive Inflatables - Inflatable Wearables - The Non Categorized Inflatables - Lighter than Air - NASA Inflatables

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  • the_non_categorized_inflatables.1184161272.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2008-01-14 19:17
  • (external edit)