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“We are transients in the world… we read books, yes, but also we read the swaying pine boughs, the turtle swimming below the ice, the dream fragment brought back by smell of the eucalyptus leaves, the unused bits of code on stands of DNA, the wobble of the flying frisbee- and each has it's radiance to offer, a sense that there are surely secrets to be revealed of only the gates would freely open ” (Hyde, L, Tricksters Makes This World“).

“Death is something you cannot change. We have to live life here And now as if everyday is the last day, but we don't have this Consciesnsess. During our lifetime, we have to die both literally And metaphorically, and in this way we can eb released from The fear of dying”

(marina abramovich)

“The sculpture is a glorification of the death which portrays life” “My work is a homage to death in life ” ” Death is a farewell but at the same time welcoming. It is mourning and celebration! “ (jan fabre)

Why new rituals for funerals? We are at this point in human history that the very existence of humanity is under threat

so spirituality is moving back from the “sky ” to the “land”

+ the older structures, habits, rituals don't work anymore.

so there's a huge need for invention of new rituals

1. Rites of passage in:

2. Celebrancy workshops and training:

Shamanic Healing training:

Magic School: Ceremonies are magic!

Creative writing/autobiographical writing:


Art and funerals:


Celebrancy workshops and training:

3. How to name ourselves?

Soul midwife
Life celebrant

4. Facing your own death

living your own funeral
planning your own funeral

5. Meditations on death and the ancestors

6. The ritual before the ritual

7. The ritual after the ritual

8. Rituals in retrospective

9. Cocreation of rituals

10. The ritual in the ritual

ex.funeral of a child starts with a baby naming
ex. renewal of vows
Ex. We live and die each day (Ann van de Velde, medical artist, Antwerp)

11. The opposite/negative rituals

ex rituals for divorce
ex rituals for raped women

12. Designing for rituals

13. The dramaturgy of rituals

14. Ritualistic acts in performance arts



the epitome of reincarnation (larva-caterpillar-pupa)

Literature list

  • Seidr, het Noorse pad, Linda Wormhoud
  • VADER (part 1, intro), Karl Ove Knausgard
  • Confronting Mortality with art and science, Pascal Pollier-Green, Ann Van de Velde, Chantal Pollier
  • Munch, Ulrich Bischoff
  • Death in Banaras, Jonathan P. Parry
  • Rouwdagboek, Roland Barthes
  • The Tibetan book of living and dying, Sogyal Rinpoche

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  • transiency_barbara_raes.1412178545.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014-10-01 15:49
  • by