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<font 12px line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>Tafter Journal Invited Article on Future Fabulators</font>

<font 12px line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>M-ITI and Time'sUp exhibition of the Context Aware Physical Narratives: Lucid Peninsula. More info Here]]</font>

Family Residency Adam Nocek, Stacey Moran, Ivy and Fiona (some notes)

Graphic design and editorial futurist fieldguide

Preparing Lucid Peninsula (lucid_dreaming_implementation) for Exhibition Demo at Creativity and Cognition Glasgow, UK (M-ITI and Time's Up)

documenting and summarizing results of the Possible Futures of Migration scenario session (Time's Up)

Possible Futures of Migration scenario session in Linz, Kunstraum Goethestrasse. images on flickr, first review in Loose Diary (Time's Up)

monthly skype update

Finalizing the preparations for “Possible Futures of Migration“ Scenario Session (Time's Up / FoAM)

Fieldguide chapter meander (FoAM)

<font 12px line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>(M-iti) RIXC Renewable Futures Conf paper (accepted)</font>

<font 12px line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>M-ITI has a paper in Cultures in Sustainable Futures conference. Info here]] and here]]</font>

Meeting Mariana Pestana of V&A in London about possible exhibition in 2017 (FoAM)

Anarchodandyist pre-enactment at Fo[am]tones, FoAM

monthly skype update

Policy Lab OnSite (psw protected) #1 workshop 21 April: Social Change in a hyper-connected era, JRC, Brussels, Belgium (FoAM)

Future Agenda workshop in Köln (FoAM)

<font 12px line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>M-ITI is carring an evaluation of the Public Exhibition at the Jewish Museum, Berlin: Yasmine's Adventures, an interactive context aware narrative</font>

Writing and putting online the first draft of Futurist Fieldguide, to be written and edited on the libarynth. (FoAM)
Dismembered and forked futurish for inclusion in the fieldguide, articles on medium, blog posts, etc (FoAM)

<font 12px line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>M-ITI is writing up for the conference ICEC title: 'Yasmine’s Adventures: An interactive urban experience exploring the socio cultural potential of Digital entertainment'</font>

Sonic Acts: Geologic Imagination, with a workshop by Martin Howse and Nik Gaffney and a panel on the Noise in the Electromagnetic Spectrum moderated by Nik, as a follow-up of Nik's Dark Ecologies journey in October 2014.

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Showcase and pilot Evaluation of Yasmine Adventures Content Aware Narrative. Info here]]</font>

<font 14px/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; line-height: normal; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>Scenario Planning: Community Then? Mapping Future Scenarios in the Community. Info here]]</font>

Lucid Elucidations and Futures of Doing Nothing as part of FoAM's programme at the Beurs50uwburg events

Editing futurish (FoAM)
Designing futurist_fieldguide (FoAM)

Discussions and proposals for a possible follow-up of FFab as part of a bid for Pula2020 cultural capital.

Beginning of implementation, embodiment for Mind the Map in close connection to Possible Futures of Migration in Europe (Time's Up)

<font 16px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit> 20150122 - Madeira, PT </font>
<font 12px line-height: normal; white-space: pre-wrap;/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>Scenario Planning: Capstone future scenarios 2015. More info on the session here]] and here]]</font>

M-iti continues to develop Yasmine Adventures. More Info here and here

FFab - Future Lunchbox #5 Hypotopia - Die Milliardenstadt. Introduction of a compelling model of a possible city, envision a fully functional, sustainable city of the future.

A-Z Lecture (FoAM)

Godsheide Apero with the inhabitants of Godheide and researchers from UHasselt (FoAM)

Agoras workshop by Pantopicon (FoAM)

Final sketching and development of the Physical Narrative Mind the Map (Time's Up)

Godsheide Futures workshop with Arck, UHasselt (FoAM)

FTA2014 conference #foresight4EU (in particular new_approaches_and_needs_in_foresight) (FoAM)

Extrapolation Factory Workshop as part of Future Fictions (FoAM,TU)

Residency Alex Davies (TU, FoAM)

Narrative Strategies Symposium “Prototyping the Intangible” (M-ITI, FoAM, TU, AltArt). Info on the program here

Documentation here and here

Laurisilva Futures workshop (M-ITI, FoAM, TU, AltArt). More info here

various design fiction experiments with MA students, Hasselt, Z33 with details at futures card games. (FoAM)

Dark Ecology fieldtrip (FoAM)

The Futures of Doing Nothing scenario workshop at Z33 (FoAM)

“FoAM Apero in the Futures Lab” at Z33 (FoAM)

Future Fictions exhibition, with continuous FFab presence in the Futures Lab and the Doing Nothing pre-enactment (FoAM)

Opening of “Future Fictions” exhibition at Z33 (FoAM) With Food Futures reception

Opening of Lucid Pensinsula Exhibition (AltArt, M-ITI, FoAM, TU)

M-iti will start working on a new Context Narrative Experience.

Registrations open for the The futures of doing nothing workshop

Third and last PULSE visioning day

For summaries see pulse_visiedagen

Site visit in Hainburg for the lucid dreaming implementation.

Designing instruction cards for lucid dreaming a storyworld

Cleaning up documentation on

Writing and designing promotional materials and atmospheres for The Futures Lab of the Future Fictions exhibition

Test of what's in the box exercise in the Guerilla Futures summer course of the Situation Lab (OCAD University) by Stuart Candy

Embodiment Lucid Peninsula lucid_dreaming_implementation, images

Microresidency Stuart Candy

lucid_dreaming_implementation Framing of a Physical Narrative for the implementations of a scenario for exhibitions

Lecce 2019 - possible European Capital of Culture. Conception for a long-term project, continuing Future Fabulators ideas and strands.

North Sea Region Sail interim conference, looking at sail driven and wind assisted ocean transport in the region and globally. Some notes.

<font 12px line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;/arial, sans, sans-serif;;rgb(0, 0, 0) font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; text-align: center; white-space: pre-wrap;;;inherit>(M-ITI) LARSYS Invited talk: Possible pasts, Possible Futures: Exploring past and future scenarios through context aware transmedia stories</font>

visualizing the invisible scenario workshop and pre-enactment (FoAM)

Future Fabulators retreat (all) near and distanced futures of Future Fabulators- images

xcoax workshop and pre-enactment (FoAM, all)

FFab - Future Lunchbox #4 with Ulli & Klaus Sambor: Unconditional Basic Income; notes & link collection

Law & lore of the sea - a panel discussion looking at the plights and hopes of refugees, seasteaders, pirates, anarchists, free spirits, rescuers and tax dodgers. As part of our research in Possible Futures of Migration. (Time's Up)

Second of three PULSE Visiedagen workshops for the PULSE network. Second day included incasting and pre-enactment (FoAM)

Lucid Dreaming Storyworld extension towards a submission for a residency at PICA in Western Australia 2015

monthly skype update

Nik Gaffney & Maja Kuzmanovic talk (remotely) about Future Fabulators at Vitalstatistix, part of Sarah Neville's Adhocracy residency (FoAM)

Adhocracy residency by Sarah Neville & family, as a follow-up of Weatherlore residency (FoAM)

Retrocasting Michka Melo's Edge Hiker scenario (FoAM)

Experiments wtih lucid dreaming a storyworld (Time's Up & FoAM)

booksprint post DE14 (all…) Photos:by Barbara and by FoAM (FoAM's Album includes Data Ecologies)

Future Fabulators in Residency: Mara Dionisio from M-ITI at Time's Up; Practioner in Residency; Maras blogentry

PULSE Visiedagen scenario workshop for the pulse network (FoAM)

writing abstracts for DE14 and xCoAx (FoAM)

FFab - Future Lunchbox #3 with Christian Lanz: Introduction to a multi-level platform using the concept of of a “time-stockmarket”.

monthly skype update

design and planning PULSE Visiedagen and begining design for Future Fictions (FoAM)

transiency scenarios with Michka Melo (FoAM)

Online documentation of food futures and Lisa Ma's microresidency (FoAM)

LateLab Open Sauces event at the Edinburgh Science Festival, based on food scenarios and food futures (FoAM)

Translating food scenarios into a tasting menu (FoAM)

development and exhibition of Tales of Resilience (Time's Up) images

Microresidency of Lisa Ma, speculative designer, developing a concept of “Bioluddites”. The residency ended with a public research gathering (FoAM)

First pass at using CLA and Generic Futures methods to explore food futures. Designed four food scenarios (FoAM)

Meeting with PULSE about facilitating scenario building and prehearsals for their Visioning Days in May, June, September, October. (FoAM)

Design meeting with Karen Verschoren for the Future Fictions exhibition, decision to collaborate on the Future Fictions Lab (FoAM)

Skype with Time's Up about Data Ecologies, Book sprint and Storyworld construction in May-June 2014 (Time's Up, FoAM)

FFab - Future Lunchbox #2 with Gerhard Dirmoser Current developments on renewable energies and their implementation in Austria

monthly skype update

Literature research summary on pages linked from background (FoAM)

collecting Possible Futures & Parallel Presents, crowdsourced futures, experiential futures and method agglomeration scenario methods, prehearsal methods, other interesting background research filled with unexplored rabit holes, unsorted references and notes (FoAM)

various threads > forecasting, non predictive strategy, scenario_building confabulations

5 whys exercise related to experimental futurism at FOAM, formulating the beginning of a position statement

Editing Scenarios and underlying pages (FoAM)

Second intense phase for sketching & developing Mind The Map, connected to Possible Futures of Migration (Time's Up)

Beginning of research phase for Data Ecologies14

monthly skype update

Scenario Session on M-ITI Capstone projects in Human Computer Interaction and Media Entertainment Technology notes, summary from the session the sessions

“M-ITI Futures” scenario workshops lead by Maja and Nik from FoAM. (FoAM & MITI)

More information on the future scenarios developed

M-iti is starting to develop new software for context aware narratives. Mara Dionisio will be joining the Future Fabulators team.

Updates, restructuring, cleaning up of the FFab wiki, writing missing scenarios.

FoAM Newsletter featuring Future Fabulators

monthly skype update

Meeting with Guy Guypens of Kaaitheater about a scenario workshop at the end of March as part of the Burning Ice festival

design and development of the two scenario workshops taking place at M-ITI in January 2014, facilitated by FoAM

First sketch for Mind The Map, connected to Possible Futures of Migration

monthly skype update.

Research kick-off on the future of migration in Europe for Mind The Map (Time's Up)

Approaching Science Communication; Time's Up meets Center for advanced Bioanalysis (CBL)

Final Decision on the Future Fabulators CI is made

The future of the city future scenario session / workshop with AltArt (all partners, facilitated by AltArt

Site visit at Le Lieu Unique. Associated partner in FFab, which will exhibit results of FFab in 2014 and/or 2015 Overview Le Lieu Unique some images

Visit at the B3 - Moving Image Biennial about “Expanded Narration”. Webpage Biennial and some Notes From BBB13

Human Invasive Interaction scenario workshop (FoAM)

monthly skype update

various wiki editing, trailer searching and chocolate eating

EACEA KickOff meeting that was more useful than the last one. Andrea and Tim.

breakfast meeting with Schwarzen Bären and friends, Debriefing notes of both of the sessions (all partners)

scenario planning session on "Fear 2033". (all partners, session lead by FoAM) images on flickr

26th - 29th of September, FoAM and Time's Up attended at Practical Utopias / Brioni Summit 2013 / Developed and organized by YKON and Drugo More and co-organized by Electra

Presentation at Improving Reality 2013. (FoAM)

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  • Last modified: 2015-06-27 09:58
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