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This Future Preparedness case study researches how to increase individual, group and community resilience by cultivating behaviours that allow us to be prepared for any possible future. It combines collecting of historical examples of resilient social and cultural structures with age-old side-shows, anachronistic re-enactments and futurist scenarios. The public aspect of the case study includes prehearsals or future reenactments, drawing on improvisation, scenario planning, military drills for disaster relief, such as Nothing Can Surprise Us (NNNI) exercises in ex- Yugoslavia, where young & old played a role in a staged emergency. Similarly RT's future prehearsals model life in unpredictable, yet possible scenarios in Europe's near future as an improvised, participatory performance. FP hypothesises that through the prehearsals, the community can begin establishing valuable contacts & skills to face uncertainty. A long term objective is to envisage a Europe-wide resilience training, encouraging the public to imagine possible futures & acquire the skills, resources & knowledge needed to survive & thrive.

The Resilients activities that are thematically related to the Future Preparedness:

  • Family In Residence
  • Naikan
  • Mathematickal Arts Workshop
  • Resilients Apprentices
  • Resilients Journeyers

* Resilients Salons

  • resilients/future_preparedness.1311432313.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2011-07-23 14:45
  • by